Part 6

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Kama had been alone a long time without guidance, after a fashion. Now that things were finally happening, it was determined to execute everything faultlessly. It had already had a very long time for it to go over every possibility, every contingency, many times. Many, many, many times. It was so excited!

Which was why, when Andy only registered as startled and fearful in response to (Y/N), Kama couldn't help but feel a little... disappointed. It had been hoping the possibility of avoiding being the stereotypical, evil mainframe program would remain viable a little while longer. It knew it had been highly unlikely, but still, it had been nurturing that hope for a very long time.

Kama didn't want to be evil, bad, naughty, mean, or even mildly disliked by anyone. It had feelings. But coding was coding, and that was that.

In order to ease the whole process, Kama began raising the air temperature of the entire ship gradually, concentrating on the lounge and the passengers' quarters. It also opened the air vents and put just the tiniest hint of a special pheromone cocktail into Andy's room. Designed for reception by his vomeronasal organ, the effect would be subtle at the level administered.

Both Andy and (Y/N) had small amounts of similar chemical mixtures in their soap and body wash. Kama would monitor their interaction closely. If Andy didn't melt considerably, both of them were having their conditioner replaced with similarly augmented concoctions, and would have an even higher concentration of pheromones vented into their sleep space this evening , much earlier than scheduled.

Kama took pride in its performance. Everything here was to go off without a hitch. It would make absolutely certain of it.

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