Part 12

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I had been stewing in my room, miserable and alone, for what seemed like forever. It was too hot and I wanted to call up Juliet on a com unit so badly I almost sobbed. Of course I hadn't found one in my room, and I didn't dare go wandering around, what if I got zapped by a laser into oblivion? What if they had already killed her? I was afraid to ask Kama... It was definitely the enemy now.

Was I even in space? It's not like I'd come across any portals where I'd actually seen any stars or planets. This was the shittiest spaceship I'd ever heard of!

I huffed, laying on my bed, sulking unproductively. I got so uncomfortably hot, I finally caved and took my shirt, socks, and shoes off. It occurred to me that Juliet would know just how to relax me. I snickered.

There really was nothing quite like a blowjob when I was stressed out, and Jules was really good at them. I mean, not that then was really the best time to think about that. But... I supposed, eh, why not? I mean, (Y/N) was being a snit and practically siding with our mysterious oppressors. She probably wanted to shag me.

And what did I think about that? No, I needed to not think about that! I was such an asshole! I wanted to focus on Jules...

Mmm, she was great at blowjobs; that was what I had been thinking about. Hmmm... Well, I was alone. With doubtlessly unnecessary attempts at keeping quiet, I popped my eager boner out of my pants.

Ah, we meet again, old friend. Time for some one-on-one, I'm afraid; bud, Jules isn't here. But we shall think of her, eh? Sound good?

Apparently, my tumescent penis agreed, as my strokes felt pretty good when I closed my eyes and I envisioned Juliet's mouth wrapped taut around me. Her lips would be spread really thin... She would lick my slit... Suck and just barely glide her teeth, scarcely touching... She'd look up at me as she did it... Shit, baby-


-the door?!

"Andy, I just wanted to apol..." I looked up from my bed, with my cock in my hand and a look of panic on my face.

(Y/N)'s eyes got really wide and her mouth hung open for a second before she turned around and left without a word.

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