Part 43

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I stared at the blank video console, confusion roiling in my gut. My thoughts were coming too fast; they were all jumbled. None of this made sense!

I found myself walking through the hallway, back the way I had come. I entered the ludicrous bedroom and watched (Y/N) as she dozed. She looked so peaceful. Calm. Not a chance she had anything to do with whatever was going on.

But... It seemed that she certainly did, on some level. I needed to find out how, why.

I sat down on the eerie bedspread and touched (Y/N)'s shoulder gingerly. "(Y/N)?" She shifted to look at me blearily. "Are you ok to talk?"

I could see the clarity and comprehension return to her eyes as she sat up. "Yeah, yeah. Of course."

I didn't know what to say, so I reached out blindly, "You said you knew something about, uh, all this?"

(Y/N)'s face turned a bright red and she averted her eyes. "Yeah, I remembered a lot about it." She sighed. "I'm just not sure where to start."

The ball of dread I'd been carrying in my belly started to harden and grow uncomfortable. I forced myself to try and be encouraging. "Um, from the beginning, I guess?"

She nodded and was silent for a few moments, staring intently at the bedspread. I was about to try asking again, but in a different way, when she finally spoke. "I, um, was right. I am a scientist. I'm a molecular bioengineer, with specialties in psychobiology and neuroendocrinology."

My eyebrows went up, surprised and not entirely sure of the significance of what she was saying. "I worked for a while for the Canamerican government designing chemicals for, um, for defense and reconnaissance purposes."

I frowned. "Defense and reconnaissance purposes?"

She sighed again. "Don't let that distract you. I mean, that's important for me, but it doesn't matter that much right now."

I adjusted my hair, feeling uncertain and uncomfortable. "Ok."

She went on, "It was then, on Earth, that I became a fan of yours. But, like, a crazy fan." She gestured around us. "See? There's a lot more, too, these were just my favorites. Some of the accessories in your dresser are actually the originals that I purchased."

I scoffed, "So you're saying you're an unstable fan? But-"

She held up a hand and cut me off, "-That's not all there is to it. See, I was literally an insane fan, and a fucking rich one, too. I paid to have someone abduct you and bring you to this ship, my ship that I designed for this, for you and me. Both of us were in cryo for the trip, though I can't remember where we are. I was autorecovered, and I remember recovering you. I programmed Kama, I designed the drug that I took to erase my memories; I did all of this."

I scowled, "But you wouldn't do that-"

She raised her voice, "-I wouldn't now. But I did. I was obsessed; I orchestrated the whole thing. There's no one here but us, Andy." She started to cry, and I didn't know what to do. "I'm so sorry, but we have to get you out of here, get you home!"

My mind was still reeling. All the moments we'd shared together were running through my head, one right after another. "That can't be true-"

(Y/N) had tears streaming down her pretty face, "-It is true, I'm so sorry-"

I stood up, suddenly mad as fucking Hell, "-No! No, no, no!"

I grabbed a lamp I saw with the Mourning Star on it and threw it against the wall, satisfied by the crashing noise. I pointed at (Y/N). "No!"

Realizing I couldn't think anymore, that I'd lost my temper and had to cool off, I stormed out of the bedroom, out of that fucked-up wing of the ship, and randomly down the corridor, as fast as I could walk. This was insane! There was no way any of that was true! I could hear (Y/N) sobbing until the doors snicked shut behind me.

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