Part 27

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Andy's POV

When I woke up, reality hit me like a freight train. The moment was worse than when I used to wake up from having drank too much. The same sort of sadness filled me, of shame and regret, but this time it wasn't just over having made a fool of myself. I had broken my Dragonfly's trust, yet again.

There was something so final and terrible about having done it a second time. Just once seemed a little more understandable, like a single moment of weakness. But I had become a repeat offender, showing that I was totally unable to control myself and be faithful.

Feeling the heavy weight of dishonor in the most intimate way, I slunk away from the situation rather than face it. A part of me argued that waiting for (Y/N) to wake up would be like embracing the whole thing, enjoying her company even longer. In my skewed reasoning, waking her up just to tell her I loved someone else, yet again, before I took off, also seemed like an assholish thing to do. So, leaving my useless, metal bar, I quietly left (Y/N)'s room.

I couldn't even find my damned shorts, but I didn't care. I wandered the halls of the stupid ship aimlessly, buck naked, feeling hopeless. What did it matter who was watching? It wasn't going to change anything if I was in a tux or my birthday suit.

After about an hour, I found myself in a big room full of plants. For a moment, I found myself wondering if there was anything poisonous in there I could eat, and just finish myself off. I quickly got over my impulse, but I was too upset to garner the fighting spirit I generally so prided myself on.

I just had no idea what to do. None whatsoever.


(Y/N)'s POV

When I woke up, Andy had gone. I wasn't surprised, but that didn't make mehappy about it, either.

I stared at the ceiling as the previous night's events ran through my head.Extreme pleasure, yeah, but I thought I had felt a connection, something morethan that. I liked being aroundAndy. I wanted him to come back. Shit.

His question echoed in my mind, "it's not like we care about each other in thatway, right? It's just physical; it's just the drugs. Right?" I thought I had my answer. Unfortunately. Clenching myjaw until it was sore, I resolved to keep it to myself.

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