Part 40

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Something was shoving me, but I didn't wanna wake up, I was comfy! "No!" I huffed out. "Stop it! Comfy!" I tried to roll over under the nice, warm covers, but the prodding persisted.

Irritated, I turned to face my aggressor. "Whut?"

The worst thing possible happened!( Y/N) grinned at me, and then said, "Kama, lights." Ugh!

I tried again to roll over, offended by the sudden brightness in my little blanket cave, but my efforts were fruitless. (Y/N) started talking excitedly, "I got you access to the hidden wing of the ship, now I can show you everything! I remembered the access code, and the control panel is restarting right now! Maybe we can leave soon! It said two hours!"

She looked at me expectantly, and I groaned. The odds were slim that whatever she was saying was true, and I was finding it hard to be patient when she'd just woken me up. I couldn't even fully follow what she was saying. "Ok? What in two hours? So... you want me to go there, right now, again?"

She nodded, looking proud of herself. "I changed everything with the access code, I remembered it while we were napping; you should be able to go in there now too."

For a split second, I considered telling (Y/N) that I wasn't in the mood to deal with her weird, guilt-crazed theory that she had orchestrated all of this, or random, fleeting hopes that turned out to be nothing. I knew damned well that the wall was just a fucking wall. But something stopped me. Probably the fact that I was totally naked and vulnerable, and that I was in her bed, after all.

I shoved off the comfy blanket. "Ok, but I want to shower first. It'll just take a second."

(Y/N) protested, "What if it makes you all horny?"

I rolled my eyes. "It won't, it hasn't lately." Realizing after I'd said it what the implication of that was, I hurriedly made my way to the shower, embarrassed. "Did you, uh, need to shower also?" I was very self-conscious of the blush that overtook me when I asked. There was something really intimate about showering together, but we had just had sex...

(Y/N) knew it too, as she hesitated to reply. "Well, I do need to use the shower after, um..."

I cleared my throat. "Ok, cool. No big deal. We'll save water together, come on." I gestured for her to follow after me.

Showering together was actually kind of fun. For once we each had someone to scrub our backs! And, selfishly, it was a really good view, too. (Y/N) laughed at me when I showed her how I liked to stand under the water, after I was all soaped up, with my arms wrapped around myself. Whatever, it was soothing!

A couple of times I had the urge to kiss her, when she was smiling really brightly. I suppressed it, pretended those self-conscious moments of slight tension and giddy feelings hadn't happened. When we were done, I was the first to jump out of the shower and grab a towel, wrapping it around my waist. I handed (Y/N) one, then headed out of the bathroom to go find my shorts, wherever they had landed on the floor earlier.

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