Part 5

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I walked through hallways that would brighten a ways ahead of me, then go dark a ways behind. I wasn't sure where I was going; everything looked the same.

Just as I was starting to get unnerved by the silence, Kama piped up, "Andy's sleeping quarters are just ahead. Number six on the left." Well, all right. That was a destination, at least.

I nodded and squared my shoulders. Hopefully, this Andy-fellow and I would not have to fight to the death, and we could be allies in whatever horrible fate was about to befall us both. I approached the door and waited for it to slide open, only to have the least expected thing possible greet me when it did!

Lying on the bed in the room was a rather sexy corpse in only black briefs, its face covered with the sheet! It was deathly pale! My god, he... Andy was dead! They had killed him already!

I took two steps into the room, uncertain, then ripped the sheet away from the dead man's face, only to have him blink at me! I screamed and pointed at him! He put his hands to his ears and bellowed as well!

At that point, I backed away, horrified. The dead man, Andy, was alive, and almost naked! He sat up, gingerly pulling his hands away from his ears, as he looked at me, inquisitive and confused. A flash of recognition, distant and out of focus, ran through me.

In tandem, we both said, "Who are you?"

Kama answered for both of us. "(Y/N), this is Andy Biersack. Andy, this is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). As I mentioned earlier, Andy has been trying to recover from his migraine. How are you feeling, Andy?"

Andy rubbed his eyes. "Better, but I wasn't expecting company. I definitely wasn't expecting that to happen! I must have dozed off-"

"-I thought you were dead." I decided to offer up, by way of explanation.

Andy just looked at me for a moment before rubbing his eyes again. "Can I have a minute to shower? Any chance of actual clothes too?"

I didn't wait for Kama. "I'm sorry, Mr. Biersack. I had no idea you were still resting. Perhaps Kama can give us directions and we can meet somewhere when you are ready?"

Andy nodded. Kama clicked on. "Of course, it would be my pleasure. I will direct you both to the lounge at your convenience."

"Alright, see you soon." I shot one last glance at Andy before walking out the door. Man, he was smoking hot, if a little rougher for the wear from something... And where did I feel like I knew him from?

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