Part 38

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Andy had been really sweet, clearly working his tiny butt off trying to cheer me up. He had put on some shorts so he could dangle his feet into the pool, in the shallow end, while I had swum a few laps with a sidestroke. Once again he had turned down my offer to teach him how to swim, and that time I hadn't pushed it.

Afterwards, I caught him peeping when I was taking a shower, and I laughed and reminded him of the time I'd found him jacking off in the locker room. From there we'd gone to my quarters. Initially the idea had been that I was going to pick a real outfit to wear instead of my shirt, but plans quickly changed when Andy had goosed me while I was bending over to look in my dresser.

I turned around, honestly shocked. It wasn't late at all; it was some time in the early afternoon at the most. I shot him a sassy look. "What's that about? You trying to be an overachiever and do your homework early?"

Again Andy surprised me with the heat in his stare. "So what if I am?" He crossed his arms across his chest, smirking handsomely.

I rolled my eyes at him, "So, it will just set the time earlier!"

Andy shrugged. "Not if we do it again tonight, it won't."

He stood up and walked closer to me, and I felt myself blushing, suddenly a lot more conscious of the fact that I was only wearing a shirt. "That's ambitious." I couldn't meet his eyes, I was too conscious of my heart melting.

He lifted my chin, and I met his azure gaze with my own. "I know what I want."

Before I could come up with something to defuse the situation, Andy had bent down to kiss me. I couldn't help but respond, opening my mouth to him, tilting my head to the side as my heart began to race. He was so good at kissing!

Clothes were taken off rapidly and thrown on the floor; I giggled like a dork as I fumbled awkwardly with his belt. I went to kneel before him, to take him in my mouth, but he gently protested. "I have another idea."

Curious, I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

His eyes glimmered with mischief. "Do you know what sixty-nine is?"

I felt myself blush hotly. "Yeah, but..."

He grinned confidently. "Good! You lay down first, it'll be easier for you that way."

Nervous, I lay down on my cot, not sure what to do. Andy was so much taller than me, how would this work?

I discovered that it worked just fine when Andy clambered over me, his dick poking me in the cheek, making me laugh. I grabbed it and popped it in my mouth.

Just as I was starting a regular rhythm, I felt his lips on me! Oh my god! I accidentally stopped, but Andy just started moving himself in my mouth, fucking it slowly as he did something between my thighs that was completely amazing!

It was so overwhelming! His cock could go so far down my throat at that angle; all I could do was cling for dear life to his thighs! I felt his tongue moving against my clit, licking, sucking, pushing, and it made me moan into an Andy-filled mouth!

I had to focus on breathing, it was getting difficult, as I started to feel more and more desperate. It was like a massive force was pressing on my abdomen, all of my muscles scrunched up tight, distracting me from the regular movement of Andy's length in between my lips. I could hardly focus enough to maintain any suction!

Like a bolt of lightning, out of nowhere, I came, and my nails dug into Andy's thighs as my entire body tightened into a hard knot, and then released. I felt him shifting, pulling himself out of my mouth, but could hardly process what was happening anymore. I felt so sweet and floaty...

Dimly, I registered the sound of Andy ripping the wrapper for a condom, and I turned to watch him rolling it down over himself. God, what a beautiful phallus!

I reached for it weakly, only managing to graze Andy's butt with my fingers, making him laugh. "Hold on, just one sec."

I parted my legs eagerly as he clambered over me, gladly wrapping my thighs around his waist and hugging him to me with my calves. I raised a hand to his face and touched it, warm and angular. He kissed my wrist, sending a bolt of fresh desire through me.

I was so ready that Andy didn't need to guide himself; he glided in easily. Pleasure suffused every inch of me like a warm bath swallowing my entire body. I clung to his wide shoulders and his back, feeling his muscles work as he took me. I didn't really know it, but I was moaning from the moment he slid inside my wetness. He felt perfect.

Joy and hedonistic thrills mingled in my intoxicated mind, and I was overwhelmed with simple bliss. The man I loved was having sex with me because he wanted to. Because he wanted to!

Andy stared down at me, panting through slightly parted lips, his gaze intense. I could tell he was getting close; he always looked more leonine and got just a little harder for the last minute or so. His thrusts became more forceful, his grunts a little louder. Just knowing that I was bringing him there, that he could enjoy being with me for the sake of it, started to get me off too.

"Andy," I breathed, everything inside me culminating, on the very cusp. My body felt taut and hungry, and only getting Andy off could finish me.

His mouth dropped open with a low, primal growl, and I knew, at last, that I had taken him over the edge. One more thrust and I saw pixelated nothingness, heard nothing, only felt the rhapsodized explosion of surely the greatest peak I'd ever known!

It warped through me, ricocheting back and forth, taking my brain even further, higher and higher! I felt myself clasping Andy, felt him slow, and was filled with a smooth, flawless bliss and calm. Nirvana was mine in that moment.


This is hot off the press. I've caught up with all the current chapters of Intergalactic Prison now, so updates won't be quite as frequent. Sorry, I can only write so fast.


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