Part 35

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Andy's POV

As I showered, I thought about (Y/N)'s smile, (Y/N)'s kisses. At first I figured it was the shampoo or the soap, but I realized that couldn't be the case; my thoughts weren't really sexual in nature, per se. Ugh.

With a start, just like someone had goosed me on the ass, I realized the problem. I really, as in, for sure, had some kind of legitimate feelings for (Y/N). That was bad! I scrubbed the conditioner in with extra zeal as I tried not to panic about it.

I told myself it was only natural, we'd been cooped up together for so long, it was only natural... It was nothing like Juliet, I'd known Juliet for years, we'd made it through real life together, not some kind of fucked-up traumatic experience... Shit!

I held my arms around myself as I just let the water run over my body, my mind a mess. I knew, without question, that I loved Jules. But now I knew that I cared about someone else as well.


(Y/N)'s POV

As soon as I walked through the wall, the lights flicked on ahead of me. Mildly frightened, I stepped forward into the huge room before me. The mixed feelings of dread and déjà vu churned in my stomach.

There were posters of Andy on all the walls. Some of them were, like, bonafide art. Others looked like promo pics. Some were just cut-outs from paper. It was... eerie.

The area I'd entered looked almost like a kitchen. An Andy-ized kitchen. I walked further down the hall, and to my right, another entry branched off. Impulsively, I kept going forward.

The lights continued to flick on ahead of me, and I was shocked when I saw where the hall ended. A control room! There was the biggest viewing porthole I'd seen on the ship, and two chairs for piloting!

We could get out of here! Eagerly, I sat in the chair on the right, and touched the control panel to turn it on. Instead of lighting up, it made an angry beeping-noise at me! What the fuck? "Kama, how do I turn this on? How do I get us out of here?"

I didn't like the lengthy pause before it replied. "The machinery is already on. I have told you already how yourself and Andy may complete the-"

I shook my head. "-Forget about that, how do I get access to this?"

The response came quickly, "With the access code, of course. No need to be snippy."

I tried pressing my palm to the panel and pushing, but nothing happened, only another angry noise. I pushed my face against it, hoping for a retinal scan; again, nothing but that fucking shitty noise!

I was furious! "Am I an evil mastermind?"

Kama paused a moment. "There is a message for you in the laboratory."

What? I got up out of the chair and went back down the hall, turning left down the hallway I'd passed earlier.

The first door on my right snicked open to reveal a very luxurious bedchamber, complete with Andy everywhere. There were even pictures of him on the bedspread and pillows! Unnerved, I decided not to look too closely. What if someone else was here? It looked neat but lived-in.

The door facing the fancy bedroom turned out to reveal what my gut told me was a cryo-freeze chamber. Afraid to touch anything, I noticed there were two empty bays. My instincts told me I knew how to use all the things I saw, but my mind wasn't making the connections fast enough. Scared, I turned and left the cold, metal room.

I saw, ahead of me, a second room that resembled the lounge. Before that, there was a door on my right that opened to reveal what anyone would recognize as a laboratory.

There were a few, framed pictures of Andy on the walls, but mostly there was just equipment everywhere. Jars, vials, Bunsen burners, all manner of metal tools, rack upon rack full of containers of powders and liquids. But what caught my eye was a small video console. It had a hand-written message, on paper, sitting on top of it. "Play me."

I sat down on the long-legged stool in front of it, my nerves frayed, and lifted the paper. There was an obvious place to pick up fingerprints, so I set my right hand against it and pushed lightly.

The console lit up as it scanned my hand, and then a small recording began to play.

It was me.

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