Part 34

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I let out a long sigh as soon as Andy left the room. I had been having some really intense dreams again, and wasn't quite awake enough yet to articulate them. Nor was I really awake enough yet to process whatever it was I felt emotionally for my fellow captive.

In my dreams, I'd watched Andy perform the song he had played me earlier, and he'd performed it over and over. Suddenly I felt vaguely nauseated and mildly dizzy. I lay back down, still nude, on Andy's yoga mat, feeling mildly unpleasant and disoriented.

I... I remembered something! I was listening to that song, and I was working with machinery. Then in a... lab? I loved that song! Saviour, will be there...

With a start, I threw nothing but a shirt on and went barreling down the halls, fueled by instinct alone. My gut told me I could get to the place I'd recalled, if I just listened.

Going on nothing but a feeling, I walked straight to the part of the ship that was a big mass of hallways. When I had the sense I had arrived at my destination, I stopped, confused.

I knew Andy came up this way when he went jogging, was that it? I looked around for anything he might have dropped, but nothing was out of place.

I closed my eyes and willed myself to remember. All that came was a feeling of déjà vu, that I came here everyday, what was the problem? I just had to walk through the entrance.

What entrance?!?

I paced back and forth, but... wait... just very faintly, I saw a single shoe's tread-mark on the metal floor. It was headed directly into the wall, even cutting off the toe!

Victorious, I ran my hands over the wall panel, knocking on it as I went. It sounded the same as the ones next to it, but I knew there was something going on.

Again, I got a very strong sense of inward frustration. I should know this; I did this all the time. I just had to unlock it with my... unlock it?

I took a step back and eyed the wall. From the other side of the hall, I noticed that the panel was a little narrower than the others, almost imperceptible. I looked carefully at the much narrower lining on each side of the panel. Also metal, it was just about the width of my face.

I went to press my face against the lining, hoping for a retinal scanner, when my gut told me I was getting colder. I took a step back, and almost of its own accord, I placed my hand firmly on the spot where the lining stuck out, just as it did all around the ship.

And right in front of me, the wall snicked open smoothly. "Welcome, (Y/N)."

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