Part 24

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I finished washing my hands and saw Andy was, just as he'd said, all tucked in for bed. Of course, his bony ass was sticking out so he took up way more than half of the bed, but I didn't bother to wake him. I snuck under both the cover and sheet, doing my bed not to jostle Andy too much.

"Lights, Kama." The lights went out, and I tried to get comfortable.

I was wondering if I could, just subtly, knee Andy in the ass, to get more room for myself, without waking him up, when I heard him sigh. So he hadn't been asleep after all!

"Having trouble falling asleep?" I knew I certainly was; my ass was partially hanging off the bed!

Andy groaned and I heard him fussing with his hair. "I need to be asleep, like, right now. Before I get a boner!"

Again, I couldn't help but chuckle. "I'll just pretend I don't notice it-"

I could just see the outline of Andy's head as he briefly turned it in my direction before curling in on himself again. "You don't understand! Something happens to me, it's like I'm nothing but my penis!"

I smiled. "Good thing you've got a decent cock, then."

Andy snorted and muffled into the pillow. "Thanks, I ------ don't wanna talk --- that. ---- trip some sex trigger."

I sighed. "I can't hear you, your face is in your pillow-"

Andy jerked his head around. "Why do you say that? Are you horny; are you trying to get me to flip around so you can seduce me?!?"

I groaned. "No! And I never seduced you! You're the one that was pumping your sausage-"

Andy cut me off. "-Why the hell weren't you wearing a bathing suit?"

I scowled, irritated. "I didn't have one! What the fuck does that matter? You-"

Andy interrupted me again, defensive. "-I said I was sorry, and I meant it! I can't seem to stop it when it happens! I'm afraid for when it happens again. I love my girlfriend..."

Andy trailed off, and, after a second, I saw his shoulders shake. "Hey, are you ok?"

I tried to pat his shoulder, but he shook me off. "No! Don't touch me, please! I have to fall asleep before I get wood!"

"Ok, ok!" I moved to try and give Andy as much space as I could.

As I started to drift off, I noticed how good Andy smelled. Really clean, but masculine. His bare back was radiating a comfortable, warm heat, and it called out for me to touch it.

In my sleep-drunk haze, I reasoned that Andy felt all alone, he needed some comforting. He needed to know I was here, on his side, too. Thoughtlessly, I pressed closer against him, slinging an arm around his waist, before finally passing out.


Kama's POV

This was unacceptable. The ratio of time spent engaged in sexual intercourse versus time spent otherwise was far too low, even when the initiation stage was accounted and compensated for. Additionally, the time spent in confrontational interactions was undeniably statistically significant.

Action had to be taken, and immediately, to drastically alter those percentages. Time was a factor. There was a finite amount of it in which to get the desired results. Failure was not an option.

With hope in its mechanical, insubstantial heart, Kama opened the vents into (Y/N)'s sleeping chambers. It started pumping aerosolized pheromones into the room. Not just the generic ones designed for all Homo sapiens, but those that were specifically tailored to (Y/N) and Andy. It would not stop the current until results were achieved and errors in projected implementation corrected.

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