Dear Diary

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You know that dream you have had sense you understood what love is. The dream were you go on a vacation and have a summer romance with a guy, well you wish it is a famous guy. You two start up as friends and then the feelings develops to love and you start a relationship. Everything is perfect you feel like the happiest person in the world, it’s like you are flooding on a cloud. But then reality grab you pull you down from that lovely cloud. You suddenly realize that the summer is over which means that the romance is over too. You have to go back home and you will be to far away so you have to end it. But you still have your hope up that you will find him again and married him and grow old with him. Well that sums my summer I had this year well we still have contact and we both still love each other as much as we did when we said goodbye on the airport. ”I’ll see you soon”  those were the last words he said to me before I boarded my plane and that is also the words that keep me from not taking the first plane to America. Well also because he will never speak to me again if I do that because then I have give up my dream. My dream of going to England to study music. And that is what I’m doing right now.

Dear Diary.

This is the first time I write a diary and it’s the first time I own one too but you have to start sometime and I think this is the right time.

It has been one month sense I left America and went to London with Sarah one of my best friends. And I can say that we are living the dream, okay I will stop talking about dreams, I just gonna say it one last time and then I will stop well at least for a while. I’m living my dream! Me and Sarah live in a dorm room and all the other students that lives in the same are so kind and funny. The only person that we miss is Sofie who is in America touring with the Jonas Brothers, well she is their new stylist. She would have loved this but we know that she lives her dream right now. Oh damn I said dream again sorry. Anyway she is still together with Joe and I’m so happy for them and Sarah is still together with Niall and I’m happy for them to. But I still haven’t told her about the little accident were Niall and I kissed. You maybe don’t remember it so let me take you back to when it happened.

"God morning" He said and sat down on the sun chair next to me.

"God morning, is Sarah still asleep?" I asked

" Yeah she fell asleep before she had laid her head down on the pillow last night" He said and laughed. 

I smiled " Yeah Sarah has never been a night person" I said

" I guess she has to get used to it" He said 

" Yeah you can start with one hour at the time, like today she has to be awake to 10 pm and tomorrow 11 pm and so on" I said and he looked at me with a smile.

" You mean like when you train a dog to be alone in the house" He said and we started to laugh. When we stopped we looked at each other for just a few seconds and out of nowhere he leaned towards me and kissed me. His lips were warm and soft, NO stop Elena what are you doing! a voice inside my head said and that's when I realized what's really happening. I pushed Niall away.

" What are you doing!?" I said and stood up.

"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me, I promise!" He said 

" I'm with Nick and you're with Sarah!" I said before I walked fast into the house I could hear Niall call my name but I ignore him and walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the shower and step fast in and just stood there letting the water hit my body. What did just happen should I tell Nick and Sarah? No I can't they will hate me forever! 

Well I told Nick what happened and he wasn’t happy about it but he wasn’t mad either because he taught it wasn’t fare to be mad when I had told him when I could have been keeping it a secret. Like I have for Sarah and I feel so bad for it so every time she ask me to come and hang with her and Niall I always say I’m not feeling good or that I have other plans. And when I say other plans I mean hang in the room watching movies and eat popcorn and if Nick doesn’t have a concert I Skype with him. That’s exactly what I’m doing right now. Maybe this wasn’t the smartest thing to write about the kiss when I live together with Sarah but I know that I can trust her. Nick keeps telling me that it’s a bad idea not to tell her but Niall and I swore that we shouldn't tell her. I wonder if he thinks about it every time he’s with her I mean I do and it should be harder for him because he is her boyfriend. And you should not have secrets in a relationship if you want it to have a good relationship. Okay I need to convince him that we have to tell her I mean she will hate me but not forever right? I mean we live in the same room so she can’t stay mad at me for that long. Okay I change my mind I’m not going to tell her I mean a little secret doesn’t mean that it is a bad relationship. I maybe should tell you that I’m very good at convincing myself not to do things. 

Maybe we were wrong (Book 2 of The summer that changed my life)Where stories live. Discover now