It's all up to faith now

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I watched Nick close the door and when I turned around Sarah was standing right behind waiting for me to tell her about what Nick and I talked about. 

” So?” Sarah said getting really impatient.

” Nick and Johanna are fake dating because if they don’t Johanna wont get a record contract and The Jonas brothers wont get to do a new album. But he’s starting to like her for real and we decided we can’t call each other everyday because friends don’t do that and that we have to leave it all up to faith if we will end up together. So I guess now we can start date others without feeling guilty. And that was the short version of what we talked about” I said. 

” Wow and how are you feeling about that?” She asked. 

” To be honest I’m okay with it, I’m tired of thinking if I should move on or if I should sit here by the phone waiting for Nick to call, and we’re both okay with it” I said.

” Well as long as you’re happy I’m happy” She said and smiled ” So you said you have been thinking about moving on with who if I may ask”. I smiled because I wondered how long it would take before she asked that question and as usual it didn’t take long. 

” I didn’t mean with someone special just that I have been thinking about moving on” I said. 

” So you weren’t thinking about Josh?” She asked and smiled. I grabbed my pillow and throw it at her, and she started laughing and I haven’t heard that laugh for a long time and it made me smile. Then I got hit by my pillow in my face and suddenly we were having a pillow fight. I can’t remember the last time we had one. We jumped around in the room from my bed to Sarah’s bed laughing and hitting each other. Suddenly someone knocked on the door, I looked at Sarah thinking if she had told Niall to come over but she nodded her head. I walked over to the door and opened it but there was no one there. But there was a letter on the floor. I picked it up and looked around to see if I could see who left it but there was no one in the corridor. I closed the door and walked over to Sarah and showed her the letter.

” Who do think it’s from?” She asked. 

” I don’t know it doesn’t even say who it’s for” I said.

” I think it’s for you because Niall is not the type of guy that write letters” She said.

” Haha yeah you’re right” I said.

” Well open it” She said. I walked over to my bed because I wanted to see who it’s from before I let her read it. I opened the envelop and there was a note and a ticket to a football game and now I knew who the letter is from. I then picked up the note. 

Here’s your ticket for tomorrow, I hope you haven’t for got our datish meet up tomorrow, I’ll pick you up at 3 am. See you tomorrow!

Your mate Josh!

I read the note again and I couldn’t stop smiling. 

” Okay now I know who it’s from” Sarah said and smiled. 

” Okay who?” I asked.

” Well his name starts with a J and ends with osh” She said. 

” Is it so obvious?” I asked.

” Yeah because you no one have mad you smile like that since you and Nick broke up” She said and I could feel that my smile got bigger.   

*beep beep*

I grabbed my phone form the nightstand and looked at the screen.

one unread message from Nick<3

Maybe we were wrong (Book 2 of The summer that changed my life)Where stories live. Discover now