Hey I'm Josh!

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I closed the door behind me and decided to go to the cafe to buy a coffee and a cookie. I think I deserve a cookie after all the running and what I have been facing today. I sat down by the table in the corner so I could be for myself. I ate the cookie first and then I took a few sips of the coffee. I then started to think about this day. This morning Sarah and I had been to our classes like every other day and two hours later we’re standing in a creepy ally infront of a man that’s lying on the ground in pain after Sarah kicked him. Well I didn’t see that coming when I woke up this morning. I took a few more sips from my coffee and looked out of the window. I saw a couple holding hands while they walked towards the campus. Then I saw another couple sitting in the grass, the boy was holding his arm around the girl’s waist while she leaned her head on his shoulder. I miss that feeling, the feeling when someone comes and puts their arms around you’re waist and kisses your cheek when you least expect it. I miss having someone that I could talk to about everything and to wake up next to the person I love. I miss Nick. Even if I speak with him almost everyday I miss him because it’s not the same. I want to have him close to me. But I know that I can’t have that because he’s out touring the whole year. I don’t know if I can wait for him so long. I mean I want to grow old with him, but I can’t just sit here and wait for  him. Maybe it’s time to move on. 

I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall to see what time it was. 5 am I have been sitting in the cafe for two hours, I didn't even notice when they closed it. But I didn’t want to go back to the room because I want to give Niall and Sarah some space so they can hang out. luckily I brought the computer with me so I opened it up and logged on to Facebook. I looked to see if my mom was online but she wasn’t but I decided to write to her anyway. 

Hey mom!

I miss you and dad like crazy especially now. But I don’t regret for one second coming here, I really feel that it’s going to change my life to the better. Today has really been a crazy day so crazy that I don’t want to be apart of another day like this. It’s not something to be worried about just a lot of things happened. But enough about me and my feelings how are you and dad? Has anything interesting happened sense I left? 

Say hey to everyone from me!

Love you bye! 

I clicked send and then I closed the computer and decided to the common room to see if someone I know are hanging out there. I opened the door and it was very quiet in the room. The only two that I knew were George and his girlfriend Julia. They were sitting in the couch talking to a boy that I have seen before I think I have guitar lessons with him. George looked up when I steeped into the room and waved to me to come over there.

” Hey Elena, I haven’t seen you all day” George said. 

” Well I had some things to do outside school” I lied. 

” Okay well you know Julia” He said.

” Hey” I said to Julia and she said hey back. Then I turned around to the boy that I have lessons with. 

” This is Josh my roommate” George said. 

” Yeah I think we have guitar lessons together” I said.

” Yes we do, nice to meet you face to face I guess” Josh said and smiled. 

” haha nice to meet you too” I said.

” Please sit down” Josh said and moved so I could sit down next to him in the couch. Wow british boys are very polite. 

” So what are you three up to?” I asked. 

Maybe we were wrong (Book 2 of The summer that changed my life)Where stories live. Discover now