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I woke up by the sound of someone tiptoeing or at least trying to tiptoeing around the room and I guess it was Niall. But I pretended to still be asleep. After a few minutes I heard the door to the room close and I opened my eyes. I turned around to see if Sarah was awake but she was still sleeping looking as peaceful as she did last night. I saw a note on her nightstand and I guess it’s from Niall. I know I’m not suppose to read it but I can’t help it I’m to curious. I reached quietly after the note trying not to wake Sarah. 

Hey beautiful! 

I have an interview this morning so I had to leave early and I didn’t want to wake you up, because you need all sleep you can get. I’ll call you later.

Love you! 

My heart got warm and I couldn’t stop myself from looking at the note smiling, I never thought Niall could be such a sweetheart, he seemed to cool for that but I was wrong. I put back the note on Sarah’s nightstand and laid down. I think Sarah and I need a friend day where we forget about school and everything that has happened and just have some fun. I grabbed my phone and called me and Sarah sick and then I tried to get some sleep. 

After three hours I woke up again and turned around to see if Sarah was awake and I saw her reading Niall’s note and smiling which made me smile. I’m chocked that she hasn’t start to panic because we’re late to class.

” I called and said you and I were sick today” I said and I could see that she right now remembered that we had school. 

” Why?” She asked. 

” Because I thought we needed a best friend day so I thought we should go to the mall” I said and Sarah smiled.

” That’s exactly what I need!” She said and stood up and laid down next to me in my bed. 

” I haven’t slept this good for a long time” She said.

” I noticed you looked really peaceful, like you use to when you sleep” I said. 

” I’m sorry Elena for what I said yesterday and for what I put you through” She said and looked at me. 

” You have nothing to be sorry for, I’ll be by your side no matter what!” I said and turned around so I could hug her. 

” Okay, are you ready for some shopping?” I said.

” You have noooooo idea!” She said. 

We got ourself ready and about one hour later we walked out of our room and we tried to hide from every teatcher and students that we knew so we wouldn’t get caught. When we finally got out of the campus we decided to walk to the mall instead of taking the bus. We needed some fresh air and it was only four blocks away. 


I jumped into the car together with Johanna and drove to the airport where the private jet that will take me to England is waiting. I started to get really nervous about meeting Elena. What am I going to say when I see her and do I hug her or kiss her. 

” Nick stop” Johanna said. 

” What?” I said. 

”  Stop thinking so much it’s going to be fine, just remember why you’re going there and you’ll be fine” She said. 

” Yeah I know” I said. That’s what’s making me most nervous. After a few minutes we arrived to the airport and I steeped out of the car and grabbed my bag. Johanna steeped out of the car to wish me good luck by giving me a good luck hug.

Maybe we were wrong (Book 2 of The summer that changed my life)Where stories live. Discover now