The truth

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I turned off the alarm and pulled the cover over my head, I had problem falling asleep last night. I felt so bad for lying to Sarah again and now I feel bad again for reminding me about it. AHHHH I just want to scream out loud! I need to text Niall and say that we need to tell Sarah today. I pulled down the cover and looked over at Sarah’s bed and she was texting someone and I’m 99,9 pro cent sure that it’s Niall she’s texting with. 

”Good morning” I said and she turned her head and smiled.

”Good morning” she said and then she looked at her phone again. 

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower I looked at myself in the mirror and it was not a nice sight. I had bags under my eyes so you could really tell that I have not slept at all. 

Sarah’s POV

I watched Elena go into the bathroom and I can’t help it but there’s something that’s not right. She’s been so quiet like she’s hiding something from me. I mean I’m not stupid I know she didn’t went to Hanna last night. Because Hanna asked me yesterday if I could feed her bird before I went out with Niall because she was not going to be home until today. So I know that Elena lied to me last night and she never lies to me so there’s something going on with her. And I don’t think it has anything to do with Nick. And I start to get the feeling that it has something to do with Niall and me. Because when we were in America she and Niall were very good friends but now when we have moved to London she’s avoiding him. And I know that because every time we’re asking her to come with us she says she has other plans or that she’s not feeling good. 

Elena walks out of the bathroom and smiles at me and I smiled back. 

” What?” She asked

” Nothing” I answered and grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.     

Elena’s POV

” Okay everyone tomorrow we’ll start rehearsing for our summer concert. So drink a lot of water and rest your vocie” Mrs Clarkson said. 

”Yes” everyone said and then they grabbed their bags and walked out of the classroom. Me and Sarah walked to the cafeteria and grabbed a coffee and a sandwich.

” I’ll be right back” Sarah said and walked over to the toilets. 

I took a bit of my sandwiched and looked around in the cafeteria. A group of students were playing on their guitars and I guess they take guitar lessons. That’s what I love about this school that everywhere you go you hear someone sing or play the guitar or drums. You have music around you 24/7. I started to imagine how great it would feel to be a singer and work with music everyday like Niall and Nick. Niall maybe I should text him now when Sarah isn’t here. I picked up my phone from my bag and texted him.

To Niall

Hey! I can’t keep it a secret anymore so we need to tell her today.

Maybe we were wrong (Book 2 of The summer that changed my life)Where stories live. Discover now