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Nick’s POV 

It has been a long hard day I didn’t know how hard and exhausting it is to pretend. I walked back to my hotel room and when I laid down on the bed someone knocked on my door. I walked over and opened the door and ofc Johanna stood there. 

” What are you doing here?” I asked

” Nick I know that you don’t like this but can you at least try to be a little bit friendly to me?” She asked. 

” Sorry I’m not mad at you I’m mad at the people that are making me do this and I guess I take that anger out on you” I said and it was true because Johanna was a really kind girl. 

” It’s okay, I just wanted to tell you that you did a good job today and I was wondering if we could hang out for a while, so we could get to know each other” She asked I first thought that it was a really bad idea but I guess that if I get to know her I won’t be so angry at her. 

” Sure I’m just going to take a shower but you can sit and watch some tv” I said. 

”Thank you” She said and I could see that I have made her really glad that I said yes. I walked into the bathroom. 

I got dressed and then I walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the sofa. 

” Someone named Elena called and she wanted me to leave you a message” She said and I froze. 

” Did you tell her?” I asked.

” No, but she got a bit suspicious because the message she wanted me to leave you was ”goodbye” She said. Oh no Elena must be so upset I need to call her and say that Johanna is an old friend of mine.   

” You’re not going to tell her are you?” Johanna asked. 

” No I’m not” I answered.

” Why don’t you just tell her that we have to pretend that we are dating because that’s what the record labelwant because they want to get more publicity and that’s the only why they let me to make an album and you guys to do another album. I bet she will understand” She said. 

” No because she will think that I only think about my music carrier and that I don’t care about her, that I would do anything to keep it alive” I said 

” I don’t think she will think that” Johanna said and then stood up. ” I’ll leave you alone so you can call her but I really think that you should tell her the truth” She said. 

” Please just leave, you don’t know anything about my and Elena’s relationship so don’t tell me what to do, because you’re not an expert on relationship because the closest you will get to a relationship is this” I said and pointed on me and Johanna ” and it’s not even real” I said. Johanna just looked at me and I could see that I had really hurt her feelings. She then walked to the door and before she opened it she turned around and looked at me. 

” Well it seemslike you and Elena don’t have a real relationship either because of the lying that’s going on” She said and then walked out of the room. I really wanted to say that she was wrong but she was right.     

I grabbed my phone and dialed Elena’s number it took a few signals before she answered. 

”Didn’t you get my message?” She answered. 

” You really take things for granted” I said. 

” Well last time I checked your stylists don’t hang out on your room” she said, she had really think this through. 

Maybe we were wrong (Book 2 of The summer that changed my life)Where stories live. Discover now