How do you feel?

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Three weeks later...

Elena’s POV 

” So Elena this is your last session, how do you feel about that” Anna said my therapist that I have been going to for three weeks to talk about what happened. 

” I think I’m okay with it, I feel much better and I’m not afraid anymore, I feel strong” I said. 

” That’s good, how about the nightmares you’ve been having are they gone?” She asked. 

” Well kind of, I only have them when I’m alone” I said. 

” Why do you think you have them when you’re alone” She said as she wrote in her book, the book were she kept everything that we have been talking about these three weeks. 

” I guess because I don’t feel as safe as I do when Sarah or Josh is sleeping in the same room” I said. But I only have myself to blame because I told Sarah and Josh that I was fine and that I don’t have a problem sleeping alone. But the truth is that I fall asleep and then I wake up all sweaty and shaking because of the nightmare and then I can’t fall back to sleep. I’ll sit up all night watching tv, reading a book or playing games on my phone or computer. Then when it’s time to get up to get ready I’ll take a cold shower to wake up and then put on some makeup so they can’t see that I haven’t slept. 

” Why don’t you feel safe?” She asked and I hated this question because she knows why I don’t feel safe, but she wants me to tell her all the time. 

” Because I don’t know were Diana is, the police hasn’t found her and for all I know she could be somewhere in the school or in an apartment planing her revenge on me” I said. 

” But you feel safe when you’re alone on the day?” She asked.

” Yes, I feel safe when I’m all alone on the day because it’s bright but when it’s dark I don’t feel safe. I’m always thinking that she’s standing outside my window or in my room in the dark” I said. 

” Is there something that you think could help to make you feel safe at night?” She asked. 

” To get a call from the police telling me that they have caught Diana and that I can come over to the police station so I can see it with my own eyes that she’s behind bars” I said. Anna wrote down what I said and then she looked at me. 

” Elena what I want you to do when you get back tonight is to sleep alone in your room with a light on, If you have a lamp on your nightstand it would be perfect, then tomorrow I want you to come back here and have one last session, because I want to know how your night went, okay?” Anna asked and closed the book she has been written in. 

” Yes, I think that would be good for me” I said and for the first time I was happy about going to a session. 

” So before you leave I want you to answer this question, have you notice anything different with you now then when you got here the first time?” She asked and I must say that it was a hard question. I mean I feel different but I don’t know if I have noticed anything different. 

Maybe we were wrong (Book 2 of The summer that changed my life)Where stories live. Discover now