Don't tell her!

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Elena’s POV 

I knocked on the door to the study room and no one opened so I guess no one is there. I walked into the room an sat down at the table and opened up my computer. I changed my status from offline till online. Nick wasn’t online yet so I opened up my Facebook page and read my friends new status. After 20 minutes he was still offline so I decided to call him to see how long it would take before he had time to skype. I dialed his number and it took a while before he answered

” I’m on my way to my hotel room right now” He said.

” Good” I said and hung up and only took a few minutes before the symbol that said  Nick is calling sowed up on the screen. I clicked answer.

” Hello gorges” Nick said.

” Hello to you too” I said. 

” So how did it go?”  He asked.

” It went great, we’re friends again but something terrible happened to Sarah yesterday” I said. 

” What?” He asked looking really worried. That’s one thing that I love about Nick. He cares so much about everyone around him and if something happens to someone he gets really worried. I guess many girls would get really jealous if their boyfriend cared so much about other girls but I just think it sweet and also I trust Nick. 

” She got attacked by a man and he hit her so she has a blue eye and a swollen lip” 

” Omg how is she?” 

” Well she doesn’t want to be alone which I understand. And I’m so glad that Niall found her before the man could have done something worse” 

” Sounds like Niall is a hero to me. Were is Sarah now?” 

” In our room” 

” But I thought you said she didn’t want to be alone?”

” Yeah in places were she doesn’t feel safe, she’s feeling safe in our room”. 

”  Poor Sarah, the most kind person that wouldn’t hurt a fly, gets attacked by a man. I hope she won’t have nightmares” 

” Yeah me too. So where’s your show tonight?”

” DC and then tomorrow we’re going to New york”

” Wow to big places in a row!” 

” Haha yeah, luckily we love what we do” 

” I think you would like what you do when you live your dream” 

” You will also do that one day” 

” Yeah, that’s my goal!” 

” Just do your homework and you will be fine!” Nick said and suddenly I remembered something. Shit the duet assignment! 

” Oh no!” I said

” You have forgot to do one of your homework haven’t you?” He said and laughed. 

” It’s not funny I totally forgot the duet assignment Sarah and I have that’s due tomorrow.” I said and started to panic a bit. ” I’m really sorry but I have to go and do that” I said and felt that I had disappoint Nick again because this is the second time I have to leave when we finally get time to talk. 

” It’s okay go, make me proud!” He said and smiled. 

” I will bye!” I said and was just about to click on the end call button when I saw Nick looking really worried. 

Maybe we were wrong (Book 2 of The summer that changed my life)Where stories live. Discover now