Say yes!

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It has been a week since Elena got attacked and she’s still in a coma. The nurses are checking her a few times now and then and they say the same thing every time. Everything looks fine she will wake up any time now. I wish they could just say a time and a day when she will wake up, because not knowing and getting disappointed everyday because she doesn’t wake up is driving me crazy. I have been by her side everyday holding her hand. I haven’t been in school because I want to be here when she wakes up. Sarah is coming over here everyday after school and brings me food, and I’m so happy for that because the hospital food is awful. Well actually the food was to Elena but she didn’t wake up so I ate it instead. I haven’t been sleeping so much and I started to get really tired. But I don’t want to fall asleep because I want to be awake when  Elena wakes up. But it didn’t take long before I feel asleep with my head on the side of the hospital bed. 


I opened my eyes and everything was a blur so I had to blink a few times before I could see and I had no idea were I was. The last thing I remember was that I was in the girls toilet and that girl was stopping me from leaving. After that I don’t remember anything else but I guess something bad happened and that’s why I’m lying here at the hospital. I looked around and noticed that Josh was sleeping with his head on the side of the bed. Then I heard the door open and I saw Sarah walking into the room. I put my finger over my mouth so she would be quiet. She closed the door carefully and tiptoe over to the bed.

” How are you feeling?” She whispered.  

” Confused I don’t remember what happened” I whispered. 

” You got attacked and hit your head on the sink pretty hard so you ended up in a coma, you have been in the coma for a week” She whispered. 

” For a week!?” I said.

” Yeah and Josh has been by your side everyday he hasn’t been to school because he wanted to be here when you woke up” She said and I couldn’t do nothing else but smile he really cares. 

” And I heard him say that he likes you a lot, so now you don’t have to think about that anymore” Sarah said. He likes me? I couldn’t be more happy than I am right now. 

” I’ll go and call you’re mom and Nick that you’re awake” Sarah said. 

” Does Nick know?” I asked. 

” Yeah, are you sad that he isn’t here?” Sarah asked.

” To be honest no, because he needs to live his life and don’t worry about me all the time, but I’m glad you called him because he would be so mad if you hadn’t” I said and it was true I didn’t say it, so Sarah wouldn’t ask any more questions. Sarah walked out of the room and I decided that it was time to wake Josh up because I need to get some answers about he telling me that he likes me when I was in a coma. I moved my hand that he was holding but nothing happened. Wow he most be really tired. I moved my hand again but no reaction. I then whispered his name but nope he was still sleeping. I then took my other hand and shacked his head carefully and said his name and then I got a little reaction. He looked up and I looked into those beautiful eyes but it took a few seconds before he understood that I was awake but when he did he couldn’t decided if he was happy or mad.  

” So now a week later you decided to wake up, you have no idea how worried I have been!” He said and looked at me. 

” I’m sorry” I said.

” Oh it’s not you fault sorry I didn’t mean to sound mad I’m just so happy that you’re awake, I have missed those beautiful eyes!” He said. 

Maybe we were wrong (Book 2 of The summer that changed my life)Where stories live. Discover now