Chapter One

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"What did you just say?" I asked, trying to know if what I heard was right. My eyes were stuck staring right at her, wide open. While her head hung low, her fascinating blue eyes hidden.

"I'm b-breaking up with you," she repeated, shakily. Those four words are like a joke for me to hear. But when she looked to me, eye to eye, I know she was not joking.

"Why?" It was all that I could say. She turned her head away and wiped the tears before she turned to look at me once again. She held my hand. Honestly, I am about ti break down too.

"Babe," she started. "This is not working,"

"What? How come this isn't working?" I asked, confused. Lalaine and I have an amazing relationship. We never fought that hard. There are just those things we fight over but then we just laugh later on. But nothing that serious really.

"I'm tired," she said as she pulled her hands out from mine.

"Tired of what?" I asked. I don't get why she was saying that she was tired already of our relationship. We've been together for almost a year and we are happy when we are always together. Now I don't understand why she could say that she's tired of us.

"I'm too tired already of your fame, Zayn," she answered. Her eyes were darted right to me already. "Lots of people doesn't want us together. They hate me. They send me threats,"

"Lalaine," I said. "You know that I'll always take a bullet for you. I am always willing to protect you,"

"Apparently, it's not enough Zayn," she said as she leaned on the bench we are sitting in. She crossed her arms and wipes away the tears that was about to fall out. She looked at the ground. "I cannot take this anymore," she sighed.

"Babe," I told her as I scooted more close to her. I held her one hand with both of mine before cupping her face to turn into me. "I am so sorry if they make you feel like complete shit,"

"And I am sick with it Zayn, I really am," she said. She pulled her hand away from me which really had me taken aback because she doesn't do that. And with that, I know she was serious with what she had said. "I am sorry Zayn," she whispered. "It was an amazing relationship though. But I think it's best if we'll go in our own separate ways now,"

And with that, I could feel tears streaming down my face. I cannot take this. Lalaine is my everything. She is the only one, aside from my friends and family, who can understand me. She is the person who is always there to make sure I am okay, that I have eaten my breakfast, lunch, snacks or dinner. She's always there when I am sick even if she is very busy with her career as a model.

I thought everything was perfect. I even came to the point of my thinking that she's the one, that I am going to marry her and that we will end up forever. But here I am, listening to her say this thing to me. And I couldn't help my hopes and heart shatter.

And before I knew it, after being drowned in my own thoughts, I saw Lalaine already walking away from me, from the bench that I now consider as the witness of my greatest heartbreak.








"Zayn Malik of One Direction and Supermodel Lalaine Young has finally called it quits. Almost a year into their relationship, the supermodel decided to end it for some personal reasons, two weeks ago. It was rumored that Malik was cheating on her, a rumor that Young hasn't confirmed or even denied yet. The 20 year old boybander hasn't been seen out and about this past two weeks but is only seen during concerts and appearances but hasn't given any statement yet about the break-up. Sources close to him said that he is having a hard time coping with the situation but  is trying to be strong for his upcoming last few concerts of the band's Take Me Home Tour which will end a week from now in Japan."

"This is a complete fucking shit!" I screamed. I threw the guitar in the room and crashed it right in front of the other lads.

"Zayn!" Louis called me. "Stop being such a kid and grow up!"

I looked to him furiously. "I am a kid? Me? A kid?!" I asked. I punched the wall just near him. I saw how he was taken aback by my action.

"Zayn!" That was Harry. "What's happening to you?" he asked.

"What's happening to me?" I told him. "Why don't you ask yourself and ask people around, while you're at it, if what the fuck is happening to me?" I told him.

"Enough with that Zayn!" That was Liam. He had an angered expression already, I can tell. But I still haven't got enough.

"Zayn get over with her! It's been two weeks!" Niall yelled as he grabbed me. He pinned me in the wall. "Stop this nonsense mate! This is not nice!"

"Niall, remove your fucking hands off from me if you don't want me to punch you right on your face," I threathened.

"Then go and punch me right at my face, if you can do it to your best mate," he told me through his gritted teeth.

I gave him a smirk. "Don't tell me that I did not warn you mate," I told him and punched him on his stomach, without a warning. He fell into the ground, yelping in pain.

"Niall!" Harry screamed. Niall was on the ground already, groaning due to the pain. I can hear the other people inside the room panic and some calling the security.

"What the heck!?" Liam yelled. "You've crossed the line already Malik! You already did!"

"Shut the hell up!" I yelled at them.

"We don't understand you anymore lad," Louis said. "What's this all about? Are you trying to ruin your life because Lalaine broke up with you?" he asked sternly. "That is unbelievable!" I looked to him.

"I thought that you understand," I said, the sterness still in my voice despite I was saying it to him calmly.

"We tried Zayn! And we even thought so too that we understand you," Louis snapped. "But you're here right now and punched Niall and that is when we realized that we never understood you at all because you were acting like shit!" he yelled at me.

We stared, eye to eye. I was boiling inside. Then, I turned to leave. "Good luck with the concert lads. Just tell them I am sick or whatever crap you can think of," then I left the room without taking a final look.

This is what I wanted though it would mean that I have to hurt everyone who is around me, even my mates. It's all that I could think about. It's the only thing I could think of just to get away. I am tired with everything. The fame, the fortune and the popularity and all the perks that came with being a member of One Direction. I lost lots of things because of it and one of it is losing Lalaine, the girl that I seriously loved.

I got into my car and started it. I sped out of the driveway. Yes, we have a concert tonight. One of the last remaining dates we have for the TMH tour. But I don't care if I would miss it. Why? Would caring about missing this concert would change everything? Would it change Lalaine's mind and get back with me? No.

I was driving fast on the streets of Melbourne, Australia, never minding if I would break laws or what. All I wanted was just to get away. I need to have a time off away from this life. I know by doing this, it would lead me into having a time away from this life that did not just helped me, but ruined me.


First Official Chapter! I hope you like it guys because you know what? I am so excited in writing this fanfic because I've got new ideas for it, but I made sure that it's going to be fitting in this story. Everyday, when I rest from writing, ever since I posted the prologue, I can already see, flashing beyond me, what might happen on the story and I made sure to take notes of what was I imagining. I'm sorry if that was quite weird.

I hope you like it! Cheers!

Kendrix :)

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