Chapter Twelve

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Niall's POV

I walked inside the hospital where Zayn is. I just arrived this morning from Ireland after spending few days there with my family. I did not bother to take a rest because, well, I miss Zayn and I wanted to know how he is inside. I am starting to be bothered with the fact that he might go crazy while he is inside.

"I am here to see Zayn," I told the nurse, whose name, as far as I could remember is Rose.

She looked to me, for she was writing something on the piece of paper. "Oh, hi Mr. Horan,"

I smiled. "Niall. Call me Niall please," I told her.

"Oh, well, I will if that is what you want Mr.... I mean, Niall," she said as she stood up from her seat. "Zayn's been waiting for you for quite some time now. Harry comes by here as often as he could but he did not come here for two days,"

"He returned to Holmes Chapel two days ago. It was urgent," I answered. "And I just arrived from Ireland,"

I followed her as she exited and te next thing I knew, we are standing in the hospital's backyard."I see. I bet Zayn will be very happy upon seeing you. I'll just go and get him, would that be fine for you to wait here? The waiting area is actually in renovation right now."

"Of course, not a problem at all." I answered with a nod. She smiled to me and turned to leave. I heard the door creak close and I took a seat on one of the benches under the tree. I took out my phone and took a selfie and posting it right away on my Instagram account with the caption 'guess where I am y all #selfie'

I then posted it on Twitter as well with the same caption. Lots of mentions came and some of them were asking where I was and some were guessing the place. No one got it right and I was giggling. After all, the place wasn't that obvious at all.

I did not bother to answer and just let them wonder and guess where exactly I am. I slid my phone back to my pocket and tapped my fingers against the table as I waited for Zayn to arrive.

And after few minutes, I saw the door open and Zayn walked out of the building, with Mack and Janine behind, whom I also have seen the last time I was here and whom I was introduced to right before Zayn was checked in.

"He's sort of sad being alone but he is making progress," Janine told me with a smile. I gave back a smile to them and nod.

"Just call us when you need something," Mack told me before pulling Janine with him out from our sight. Zayn sat in front of me and we waited for Mack and Janine to disappear.

"Mate," I spoke. "You can't be Zayn for now,"

He nods. "I know. I guess I have to pretend for now,"

I chuckled. "You put yourself through this." I told him. He just shrugged. "So, how are you here?"

"Well, I am good," he answers. "Harry hasn't visited me for two days,"

"He's in Holmes Chapel," I answered. "He has to go there for something that is urgent. He did not told me what, so don't ask,"

He chuckled. "Well, honest, I see,"

"You know me Zayn," I told him. "So, what are you doing here?"

"You know, the usual thing that the patients here do. It's quite odd for me somehow. I am not like them. I am just pretending," He answers.

"Well, I know that." I said. "But, don't you do something that is all Zayn?"

He shot me a look. "I write songs here, only if I have something to write." he answers. "And I wrote one last week with Harry and then another one with someone,"

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