Chapter Four

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Harry's POV

I am very pissed. And I mean, very pissed. I can't believe they just acted like this. What the hell was their problem?

I know Liam and Louis have reasons why they agreed but I have to say that its very selfish of them to agree without thinking of Zayn's welfare at firsthand. Zayn needs us, more than being held like a prisoner in a mental facility to help him cope with his emotional problems. I am sure that he will come around when he realized how stupid he was for being so crazy about Lalaine. Yet, I have no right to blame and scold him. Lalaine is a nice girl, no wonder why Zayn really had fell for her hard. Zayn isn't the type of falling in love at the first sight and never believes about love being real. But with Lalaine, it changed because he did fell for her at the first sight and she made him believe about love.

Yet, if how fast Lalaine changed his perspective about love, she also changed Zayn and his life as faster as the blink of an eye. After the break-up, Zayn was a total mess. He is always drunk, sneaking behind the security to drink and do something which he does not use to do before. Went back to smoking to which he stopped for Lalaine. And the last time, he punched Niall and did not join the concert, leaving the four of us, filling in for his lines which drove Liam and Louis, even the label and management angry, while I and Niall were kind of neutral about it since we can see right through him how much he needs a time out for it.

I know Lalaine has a big impact on Zayn's life. It completely ruined him. But putting him into a mental institution for God knows how long, it will make Zayn more depressed and might drive him insane. Zayn isn't up for programs such as those since he thinks that it is stupid and somehow cliche. As what I know about him, he prefers to figure it out on his own and change it on his own.

As I turned around the corner, I saw the elevator shutting close. Since the hallway was slight dim, I wasn't able to see the face of whoever it was in the elevator. But I was sort of caught up because the body figure was quite familiar to me.

When I reached the front of the elevator, I pressed the down arrow button. I watched the side bar where it shows what floor is the elevator is. The elevator has reached the ground floor and will be coming back up soon. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to see Niall, his face still showing signs that he is still pissed.

Far behind, I saw Liam and Louis walking up to the elevator as well, looking over I and Niall. I shook my head and as if on cue, the lift arrived and opened. I stepped in, as well as Niall. I leaned on the steel wall as I watched as Liam and Louis fasten their pace and got in into the elevatort.

I huffed in annoyance. Niall leaned beside me as Liam and Louis shot me a look, which I didn't mind. I have no time to fucking mind their own business.

It actually felt like forever when we were going down and I even wanted to press the third floor button so that I could go out and just use the staircase because being inside this four cornered walls of an elevator with two of the people you are pissed of with as of now just makes me puke and sick. But then, I just let the elevator go but with me wishing to have it go down faster.

As soon as the lift opened and without waiting for Liam and Louis stepping out first, since they were in front of me and Niall, I pushed past through them rudely. I don't mind at all if they get pissed with me. They should remember how pissed I am with them right now and they can't match up with me.

I fasten my pace and exited out from the building and made my way to the car where we left Zayn asleep more than an hour ago. I just hope he did not woke up and noticed we disappeared. But I believe he hadn't since Zayn is the heavy sleeper among us.

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