Chapter 19

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*Jade's POV*

"Well, your mum is....."


"Pregnant" I heard mum say, cutting off dad. "What?" I say, sort of in a daze. "Your going to be a big sister." Dad said. "I"M GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER! WHEN? WHAT GENDER? HOW MUCH LONGER? OH MY GOSH." I start screaming, jumping up and down, as you can tell, I'm excited. "Whoa hun, calm down." Mum says, giggling. "I'm going to be a big sister." I whisper calming down. "What if they hate me? What if I'm a terrible sister?" I mutter to myself, getting worried. I started having trouble breathing, mentally sighing, because panic attacks are exhausting.

Mum took me in her lap, rocking me back and forth, while dad rubbed my back. I was crying, but I wasn't aware of it until Mum wiped away my tears. "Look at me," I heard her say. I looked up, into her bright blue eyes, to see concern, but also there was happiness and determination. "You are going to be the best big sister in the world. You will have a wonderful little sibling, and let me tell you, they will love you. You may hurt their feeling, but you will be siblings, a bond no one can break. You will love each other through thick and this, and I guarantee, you will stop at nothing to protect your little brother or sister. I hope you know, that just because we will have a. new addition, doesn't mean we love you any less okay? We will always love our little Jadipoo, along with our new little baby. I know you may be nervous now, but trust me. You will be the best big sister ever." Mum said, looking in my eyes the entire time. "I love you," I say to both of my parents. "I love you too." They said. And with that, we went downstairs to watch The Deathly Hallows: Part 2. We had tubs of ice cream, popcorn, and sodas when we sat down to start the movie. It was about and hour and a half when I felt my eyes drooping. I then let sleep peacefully take over, well not for long.

*Ed's POV*

After telling the news to Jade, we went downstairs to watch a movie. We were about half way in, when Taylor shakes me, pointing to Jade. She was twitching, and holding the blanket in a death grip. She would give a whimper every now and then, and then it was like whatever she was scared of happened. She screamed, and started crying, but she still wasn't awake. "Jade, Jade wake up baby," I say, trying to wake her. Her eyes shot open, and she hugged me immediately. "They got you, they got you." She kept saying. "No one has us baby girl, it was all a dream." I tried to reassure her. The second she let go of me, she latched onto Taylor. She started crying, then I scooped her up, and held her to my chest. I carried her up to our room, after turning off the TV. Taylor was right behind me. I set Jade on the bed, and laid beside her. Taylor laid on the other side, so Jade was in the middle. I latched my arm around her waist, and Taylor put her arm over Jade. We ended up falling asleep like that, no dreams waking us up, just peaceful sleeping.

AN: Boy or Girl? Comment, and the most votes may just be the winner:)

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