Chapter 32

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*Taylor's POV*

I hope Jade was okay, after all, she does hate to be bombarded by fans. But she said she is fine, and that I should wait until we were done to come get her, so I guess I will finish my nails and go to the store then go pick her up. She actually sounded kind of excited, maybe she met another friend. I know its been kind of rough for her, because Becca went home to visit her father. She going to be back in a week, but I think that my little J has missed having someone her age here.

As I finishes my nails, I went to the store. I had to sign some stuff and take pictures, but other than that, I got in and out pretty quickly. Now to pick up Jade,

*Jade's POV*

As I talked to Jason, I learned that he was my age! Well, my grade, but he was 15. But technically I was going to be 15 in 5 months, sooooooo. Yeah. As we played 20 questions, but with more questions than 20, so technically we were just asking each other questions. Back to the questions, so far I learned her prefers dogs over cats, cupcakes over cookies, hot chocolate over orange juice, and that he really likes my dad's music. He says mum's is okay, he just enjoys dad's singing best.

"What is you favorite band?" I asked, "Imagine Dragons," he replied back without hesitation. "Favorite song?" "Demons. And now it is my turn!" he replied.

"Favorite artist besides your parents?" he asked. So far I have been her for about three hours, and its about 4:30. "One Direction." I said. I was surprised when he rolled his eyes. "What is wrong with that?" I ask, a little bit angry, because they are great guys, and I mean, c'mon, Little Things, Moments, and You and I? They are freaking amazing. "Its just typical that a girl your age loves them." He said. "Well excuse me! They have some really good songs, not to mention how nice and genuine they are. They haven't let the fame come to their heads unlike some people, they still act like a bunch of six year olds, which is hilarious." I said. I decided to stop my mini rant there before it got out of hand, considering I was kind of mad that he judged me for liking them. He has absolutely no idea what I've been through, he has no place to judge. At all. "Okay, I'm sorry, I do admit I like some songs, its just my sister is a huge fan, therefore I get tired of the constant fangirling." He said, looking indo of mad at himself. "Its fine, thanks for saving me from the fans by the way." I said. "Its fine, anything for you." He replied, looking like he was concentrating on something. He looked so cute when he did that, its just another reason I feel like I love him. Wait, did I just think that? Snap out of it Jade! You can't love someone you met that day!

"Jade, would it be crazy if I said that I really, really like you?" he asked, looking like a weight was lifted off his shoulders, even though he still looked worried. Wait, he said he liked me. OH MY GOD. "No, because I really, really like you too." I said. He started to lean in, and I took that as my cue to lean in too.

Sparks flew just then. It was amazing, every time out hands would accidentally make contact, I would blush and feel tingle in my arm, but now, in the kiss, it felt like that tingle was everywhere. When we pulled apart, we were both out of breath.

"Can I get your number so we can Skype and call everyday?" I asked. "Sure," he said. We exchanged phones, and a thought flew in my head. "JASON! WE HAVE TWO DAYS OFF! WE ARE STAYING HERE! WE CAN SPEND THE TWO DAYS TOGETHER! AND YOU CAN MEET MY DAD! OH MY GOSH!" I said, jumping up and down. "Awesome!" he said, and kissed me lightly. "You can come to the concert too if you want," I offered. "Sure," he said, then I heard a knock on the door. "I guess my mom is here, come on lets introduce you." I said, leading him to the door. I opened it expecting a hug, but was surprised when something went whizzing past me, towards Jason.

AN: Who like Jason? *silently raises hand*. I think so far he is hoping to be a little popular. My friend from school texts me after reading Chapter 31, saying "Shipping Jadon rn!" So now, Jason and Jade have a ship name! Thank ya PaigeyPoo! Anyways, thanks for reading! Love y'all xxx

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