Chapter 42

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AN: THIS IS IMPORTANT! Last chapter in the Unknown POV, it said 'And he would finally see me as his son.' I MEANT BROTHER! (I've went back and changed it so if you read it after I fixes it, ignore this. If not- IM SO SORRY!) SORRY SORRY SORRY!

Jade's POV

6 Months Later

Today Abigail turned 6 months. Time has really gone fast, and in 2 months, we are going back on tour. Right now, I was taking a walk through the with Abs. She was in her little stroller looking around, as I walked to the little coffee shop. Every now and then, I would get stopped, asked for an autograph or picture. We finally arrived at the shop, where we were meeting Becca. I arrive, and order a hot chocolate. I then sit, causing Becca to look up. She starts to coo at my baby sister, as I take a sip of my drink. Right now, Jason was on a trip back home, and was coming back tomorrow. "Bec, are you coming on tour with us again?" I asked, wanting to have a girl on the road. It is really nice to have those little girl talks on the bus, and just gossip sometimes. "I think so, I haven't made sure with my dad yet." she replied, looking up from the baby. My phone then started ringing, so I excused myself. I looked at the caller ID, seeing it was from Jason. As I picked it up, I smiled. But that was soon turned into a frown when I heard the sound on the other end.

"HELP! JADE ARE YOU THERE?! HE-" I heard yelled into the phone. It was then interrupted by a loud thud, and a cry in pain. "JASON, WHAT IS GOING ON? ARE YOU OKAY? WHERE ARE YOU? WHAT HAPPENED?!" I scream into the phone. I then hear the phone be picked up, and hear an oddly familiar voice. "We have your boyfriend. Next is the best friend, then the baby. You can stop all their pain, by coming to us. Come to where we met, where everything always happened, the meeting place, and they will be let go. Just come to us, don't bring anyone, and your friend's will be let go. Don't be selfish young Jade, to what is best for your friends." I hear. "Don't come Jade! Stay safe, don't come, I will be fine!" I hear my desperate boyfriend cry into the phone. I then hear a grunt, then a cry, as I hear slapping and a thud. I have tears streaming down my face, when the last words are said through the phone. "You have five days." then the line goes dead.

I stand there for a few minutes, just trying to regain my composure. I had tears streaming down my face, just not believing that they have them. That they want me that bad. Bad enough to kidnap someone that I really care about. And to think that Becca and Abigail are next, it scares me. I need to find him, I need to go to the meeting place. I need to go meet someone that I don't even know, and that scares the hell out of me.

I was turning back to go find Becca, when it dawned on me. I do know who talked on that phone. I met him when I was four. He was my uncle. I had been given a bag to give him, so when I took it to him, he introduced himself. He had also helped in beating me. And once, when I was five, I tried to run away. it had been my fifth birthday, and I had said- "I have been putting up with this for three to four years, and I'm done. I had packed a small bag, and climbed out the window to run. I made it about a mile, when I collapsed. With being as dehydrated and starving as I was, I had no energy. Apparently when mother and father woke up, they didn't like that I wasn't there. They had uncle come and try to find me. When he found me, he made sure to run over my hand with his motorcycle, so then I could only cower with my hand to my stomach as he beat me for running away. He then handed me over to mother and father who did the same thing, but worse.

As I snapped out of my flashback, I walked back to the table, wiping away any stray tears. "Are you okay?" was the first thing out of Becca's mouth when I sat back down. "Yeah, I'm fine," I say, quickly might I add. She raises a brow, not believing me, but doesn't pressure on.

I say goodbye, and leave. I was going to go back home and say goodbye, before anyone else got hurt. I had to go to the meeting spot. I felt bad for mum and dad, I put so much on their plate, just to leave. Although, it is for their good, and Abby's good. I couldn't have them get hurt because they made the mistake of adopting me. I just had to made them not have anyone follow me, because that would just make it worse.

As I got home, all I could think about is now its time for goodbye.

AN: I'm so sorry! This book needed a twist, and the subtle hints from the Unknown POV, finally turned out. So, Jade is going back. I'm kind of sad that I had to do this, but I know what happens in the end:) hehehe. Okay, thank you for reading, and love y'all! xoxo

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