Chapter 45

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Jade's POV

I wake up to being thrown on a dirt floor. I had a gag on my mouth, and rope on my wrists. I turned to see Uncle shutting and locking the door, a smile on his face while doing it all. I let out a sob, knowing that this wasn't the nightmare I was hoping it was, it was reality.

I lean against the wall and scan my surroundings. My heart is caught in my throat when I see a lump on the floor. No, I thought, Jason. I scurry as fast as I can for being tied up, and check his pulse. He had a red gash above his eyebrow, and a black eye. He also had a swollen lip and bruised arm. I sighed in relief, seeing that he wasn't hurt too badly. I roll him over, so he is on his back, then lay his head on the hay they call my "bed". I turn away, stuffing my phone in the hay, under the thin blanket. Now that I know its safe, and no one knows about it, I can breathe better. It was on silent, I didn't need it ringing in the middle of a beating. Things would get a whole lot worse if that happened.

"Ugh, wait- Jade?" I hear behind me, causing me to spin. I see Jason trying to prop himself up. I help him sit up, before I answer him. "I thought I told you not to come! Well, that's the last thing I remember. How long ago was that phone call?" he asks, looking quite confused may I add. "I came. I couldn't bear for y'all to break because of me. I'm already broken, unfixable. So who cares if the pieces get smaller?" I say. "I do." He says, making my heart melt with the sweetness of his words. I brush it off though, adding, "Uncle will be to get you soon." I then scoot closer, getting near his ear as I whisper, "I have my phone. Text me when you get home safely. I will keep in contact with you, just don't come for me until a month after you get back. Otherwise they will just catch you. We need the element of surprise to win this, otherwise I will probably end up dead. I will text you when its safe to come okay? Don't come before then." I say it quickly, and quietly before I pull away. He gives me a nod, signaling he understood. I then leaned in, him meeting me in the middle, as I felt his lips against mine. It felt nice to have him by my side again, even if it was for a short time.

We pulled away quickly when the door almost flew off its hinges as the person coming in swung it open. I scoot closer in front of him, protecting him. I looked up to an angry Uncle, and before I knew it he had my hair. He punches me in the eye, before throwing me on the floor. I see Jason start to scoot towards me, so I scream at him to stop. He will only make it worse for himself.

Uncle comes up to me, and kicks me in the gut. I cry out in pain, before I'm punished for that with a kick in the head. I curl into a fetal position, crying, hating that I was back to being the rag doll, the punching bag, the waste of space.

Jason's POV (yayyy)

I watched as she was punched and kicked, not being able to do anything. I could barely stand, much less fight for her. As I had tears streaming down my face, as I hear her cry out, and then scream. I started coming to get in front of her, but she screams at me to stop. I'm then dragged out by the collar, all I could do was scream to her. "STAY STRONG JADE! I LOVE YOU-" I scream out before the door shuts in my face. I'm then thrown into a truck, as it drives away from this horrid place, away from Jade, away from the girl I love. I say a quick prayer for her, before I am being thrown onto the ground. I recognize it as a street near Jade's house. The truck then drives off, leaving me to begin the walk back to my girlfriend's home, without her with me.

Jade's POV

He said he loved me. And the worst part, is that I don't know if I will ever get to say it back. Because I do, I do too. To Jason-  

I love you too.

AN: So- Jade is back, and Jason is gone. Are y'all sad? Because I am. Please comment what you guys are thinking right now. How long should Jade stay? Should Jason follow her instructions? Or should he go after her sooner? Comment, vote, and read! Love love love you! xoxo

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