Chapter 33

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*Jade's POV*

Today I was meeting Jason at Starbucks. I was bringing a guard, but he was going to sit at a different table, but still keep an eye on me. *beep beep* sounded my phone.

@JasonGrace_ : "Can't wait to spend the day with the lovely @JadeSheeran !"

Aw! He tweeted about me! I hope he likes me too, because I'm developing feelings with him, which really sucks. I mean, we are in Vancouver for what? Four more days? Yeah, that's gonna stink.

"By Mum! Going to Starbucks! Don't worry, I'm taking John!" I yelled out, heading for the door. "Okay bye hun, have fun!" I heard as I shut the door. I decided to take the elevator, just because I'm walking to Starbucks. I actually hate elevators, but I really don't feel like walking down 13 flights of stairs, so yeah.

"Hey Jason!" I said as I sat down with my Chocolate Chip Cookie Crumble. Don't get me wrong, its a lot of calories, but this drink has some freaking good tastiness in it. And yes I did just say that. You got a problem with it?

"Hey Jadebug." I raised my eyebrow at the new nickname, sort of surprised. "Is it okay if I call you that, I love nicknames, so I decided to make one for you, even though its longer than your name, therefore its not really shorter like how nicknames are supposed to be, but I though it was..." I cut off his rambling with "I love it babe, its cute." He looked relieved, like he was scared I would get mad or something. "Cool," he said.

As we walked out of Starbucks, we went towards the little park on the corner. "SWINGS!" I squealed, hurtling in that direction. "PUSH ME MY LOYAL SERVANT JASON!" I screamed from my seat on the swings. "Coming my royal princess that I am the royal and humble servant of." I giggled when I heard his statement. I then started to giggle even more when he started to push me. I would feel little tingle every time he touched my back to give me another push. I was sad when he stopped and got on his own swing, but the smile was soon back on my face in full blow, as he slowly started to become even with me. We grabbed hands, swinging in sync. I had John take a picture for my new background. It was beautiful, we had one where we could see our faces, and one of our backs, with the sun facing it, so it made our silhouettes black, just showing our shape, and hands. As we walked to the movie theater, I set it as my background, made it my Twitter profile picture, and posted it on Instagram.

We decided to see Frozen, because I mean, that is like one of the best Disney movies since like The Little Mermaid. It was just so passionate and beautiful, you have to see it more than once.

After the movie, we decided to go to a cute little sandwich place for lunch. We were eating, and that's when I was surprised by the conversation. "Jadebug, I know I haven't known you long, but will you be my girlfriend? I really like you, and I understand if you don't feel the same way and all." He stuttered. "I would absolutely love to be your girlfriend Jason." I said, grabbing his hand. "Now, we have a concert tonight, and you are definitely coming. Besides you haven't met my dad yet." I said, we had sound check in and hour, we would need to get back to the hotel soon. "Okay, I will meet you at your hotel in 45 minutes okay? I have to get some different clothes on to meet my idol okay?" he asked. "Okay. Match me kay? I'm wearing my Sweeran shirt for the concert, even though I'm performing. I think it will be hilarious." I asked, smirking because of my idea. "Okay love, see you soon." He kissed my cheek, walking out. Then John and I stood up, walking back to the hotel to get ready.

AN: Sooooooo, how do y'all like Jason? I think he is pretty sweet. And I'm doing a small s/o to @JaidHarper , because she is so sweet. She commented telling me how I was an inspiration to her. She is so sweet, you guys go read her story Along the Way. She just started it, but I can tell its going to be fantastic.

Also, if any of you know how to see the comments on your story, can you please send me a message? I have absolutely no idea how.

Thanks for reading! Until next time:) xxx

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