Chapter 21

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*Jade's POV*

Today after my home school teacher came, I went up to my room to do more cover. Today I was going to sing "Warrior" by Demi Lovato. It represented my life so well, it was a beautiful song. I started to get my music ready, when my phone went off. It was a call from an unknown number, but I answered it. It was probably Louis or Niall, prank calling me.

"You know how good I am at getting what I want. You now I will get you, even if it takes someone else life. I will have you eventually dear, show you new family what actually occurred those years, and maybe, just maybe, they will give you back to me. Where you belong." I heard come through the phone. In the voice that haunts all my nightmares, the voice that lives in my mind and won't go away. The voice I never wanted to hear in my life again. I was paralyzed with fear, as I heard that voice, until the line hung up. Then, it was like I had no control. I dropped the phone, and dropped to the floor, pulling my knees to my chest, slowing rocking, as his voice invaded my mind. Flashback, after flashback, all coming back to me, making it hard for me to breath, making me want to die, rather than relive it all again.

"This is what you get, you little scumbag. Your mother and I hate you so much, I hope that this makes you hurt as much as you make us hurt. I hope you want to die, because that is what we feel every singly day when we look at you." My father spat at me, after tying me to the bed. My hands were tied above my head, and my feet were tied to the posts. There was kerosene all over the sheets, and that when my dad lit the match. The bed went into flames, my whimpers turning to screams as the fire licked my skin feverishly. It hurt so bad, and I could feel my self drifting away, hoping I would die and be able to leave this horrible life, but of course, I always woke up.

*Taylor's POV*

"Jade, I made cookies-" I said as I came upstairs, into her room. When she didn't respond, I ran to her room, getting worried. I stopped when I saw her on the floor, rocking back and forth, tears rolling down her cheeks. She was staring off to somewhere, in her own world, giving whimpers occasionally. The whimpers then turned into screams, and that when I got worried. I was skiing her, trying to snap her out of it, but nothing worked. I tried to find what trigger this, and saw her phone on the floor. She had just answered a call from an unknown number, I wondered if that is what caused this. "Honey, I'm home!" I heard Ed playfully yell, just getting home from work. When he didn't get an answer, I guest he got worried because I heard him sprint upstairs. He came in the room, and saw me trying to snap Jade out of whatever she was in and instantly got worried. "What happened?" he asked, trying to help me. "I have no idea. I walked in here and she was rocking on the floor, in her own state of mind." I said, checking her forehead. She was getting hot, and I realized her breathing was turn ragged. I took her in my arms, and she screamed I didn't let go though, I started rocking her, talking in her ear, saying "Its not actually happening. You are safe, you are with Taylor and Ed, you are not with your father. Your mother and father are not here. Jade it isn't real." I guess that snapped her out of it, because she hugged me, not letting me go. She was crying like crazy, trying to regain her breath. "It wasn't real" I repeat. "Yes it was. It all happened. It all happened." I heard her say. "What do you mean darling?" I heard Ed question. "I just had flashbacks, and I have to snap out of them on my own, its like reliving my childhood, some are long, some are short, it just all depends. I'm sorry for scaring you." She said, making me hug her again. "But what triggered it?" I murmured. "My dad called me." I gasp, but let her finish. "He told me he won't stop until her gets what he wants." She said. "But what does he want baby?" Ed replied, confused. "He wants me."

AN: To clear some things up- Jade moved from Texas to England when she was 6. She has lived in England for 8 years, hence why she calls Taylor "mum", but she also still has some Texan in her, hence why she says "Y'all". Just hoping that cleared some things up:)

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