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Jade's POV

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" we call out together. It was Christmas morning and we were sitting around the tree, with a fire blazing next to us. It was our first Christmas all together, not to mention it was Abigail's first Christmas AT ALL. I was seated right next to Jason, with Dad on my other side. As I lean into Jason, I'm thankful. Thankful for my family. Thankful for every single one of them. Thankful they adopted me, then found me, then saved me. I owed them my life, for countless times. And, my thankfulness for that can't even be described in words. As I grab the present in front of me, I look around the room.

Mum and Dad were bouncing little Abby up and down, laughing as they saw the faces she was making. Grandma Swift and Grandma Sheeran were in a discussion, their tea in hand, eyes sparkling. Uncle Austin was playing tug a war with Lily, and unfortunately, my dog was over there winning. Quite sad for Uncle Austin in my opinion. I looked up, to see Jason with a smile on his face, as he watched me study everyone in the room. He leaned down, connecting our lips in a sweet kiss, making me close my eyes as I enjoyed it. He pulled away, a smile on his face, and he say to me... "Open the gift, I want to see your reaction." He says. He must be excited because that cute little smile stayed on his face as I took the bow off the present. I slowly unwrap, not ripping the paper, and I see a blue box. I take it out, to see its a from a jewelry store. I gasp, opening the box, only to gasp again. Inside sat the most gorgeous bracelet I had ever seen. There were charms on the silver chain, and I turned them over in my finger. As I got to each one, he gave me a sweet description of what they meant.

"A microphone for your amazing gift of singing," he whispers in my ear. The charm was a small microphone, with a little blue gemstone on it. "A loaf of bread, for when we met at the Golden Bread." He says, and I smile at the memory. "A movie camera, for our very first date." As I turn to the baby bottle, I look up at him. "This one, if for you sister. Abby is a big part of your life, and so I thought that should be recognized." He tells me. As I come to the last one, I am once again struck confused. It was a tiara, which I didn't get. "The tiara is because, no matter what happens, nothing will change that you will always be my princess, and I well protect you with all my strength, because I, am your prince." He says. I lean up to kiss him, loving how meaningful this is. He is so romantic and sappy, but I love it. It makes him, him, and he is the most wonderful guy I know.

"I love you," I whisper against his lips. "I love you more." He replies back. I smile, because I know, that finally throughout this whole journey. I finally know love.

At the beginning of this story, I was a shy, insecure little girl. I was bullied, abused, and only believed negative things about myself. I never thought I would have a family that loved me, a boyfriend, or even a friend. I thought I would be this little girl forever, the one with nightmares and panic attacks. I never believed anyone when they told me it would get better, because in my mind, I was unfixable. That would never be better, and even though it was untrue, its what I believed.

Now, I have courage and strength. I'm not scared anymore. I can sing in front of crowd, with no sweaty palms or dinosaurs in my stomach. I have a family that loves me, and a boyfriend who I love back. I have a mother that will help me through hard time, and that I can trust with anything. I have a father I can go to when I'm upset, and know that he will make it better. I have a beautiful baby sister that can make me laugh with the slightest giggle.

And then Jason, I have my amazing, caring, boyfriend Jason. He is all I ever dreamed of, my knight in shining armor. I loved him, forever and always. 

The major difference between the two girls, one didn't believe in love, but the second knows. She knows it isn't fake. Because she has experienced it.

I have experienced it.

I have finally known love.

AN: DO NOT PANIC. THERE IS GOING TO BE A SEQUEL. THIS IS NOT THE END. STAY WITH ME. The sequel will be called Finally Known Love and you will be able to find it in my profile. It will take place a few years after the epilogue, and will be about Jason and Jade. They will be grown up, continuing their life as a couple. I hope you read it and enjoy it as much as you have this one, because this experience has been amazing. I can't thank you guys enough. For those of you who have been here from the beginning, I love you, and thank you. Thank you so much, this is incredible. I never ever believed my book would get so big, it is truly amazing. Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin through this book, and I hope you enjoyed Never Known Love!

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