Chapter 41

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Jade's POV

I guess I fell asleep holding Abs, because next thing I know, I'm being shaken awake by grandma. she asked if she could hold the granddaughter yet, and I reluctantly handed her over. Abigail had her eyes open, searching the room. I looked at mum, and saw her a dad asleep in the small hospital bed. I get my phone out to take a picture, and then they slowly wake up. They sit up, rubbing their eyes and stretching.

"Hey sleepyheads," grandma says, chuckling at the sight of them, while she still has baby Abs in her arms. She hands the baby over to mum, and gets ready to take a picture. I sit to the side, and let them get a picture of their real family, but mum motions me over. I walk over and stand by the bed. I let out a little squeak when dad picks me up and puts me in his lap, regardless of the fact that I am a 14 year old. "We wouldn't take a family picture without our Jade!" mum coos. She laces her and dad's hands together, using the other arm to hold the baby. I sit half on dad's lap, and had attending there, as they take the picture. I smile real big, loving my family to bits. We spend the day at the hospital, until grandma takes me home. Apparently I need a shower and a change of clothes. Pfft, nah.

Unknown POV

I watched as Jade drove by with her grandma, going home. I smiled to myself, knowing the perfect time to strike would be soon. Boss would be so proud, he would finally see me as his brother, being able to capture her was easy, the hard part was when she wasn't surrounded. But first, I would need the baby.

Jade's POV

"Grandmaaaaaaa, can we pretty pretty please with a cherry on top go back to the hospital?" I practically beg. Jason had gone home, wanting to not invade on my 'family time' even though we said its fine. I don't get him sometimes. But who knows.

"No Jadiebug, you need a good nights rest in your own bed."

"But who cares? I want to see Abby again." I say, dragging out the again, knowing if I begged enough she would break. I pull the puppy face, and know I won when she sighs. "Okay, but we are going to stop at Starbucks for your parents." She says, hanging her head in defeat. "Okay! As long as I get a hot chocolate!" I exclaim, racing to the car. I quickly race back in, getting mum's favorite book, her favorite movie, and her computer. I grab dad's iPod and favorite book, stuff it in a bag, and race back to the car. I also grabbed a headpillow, for dad on that chair. We get in the car, and head to Starbucks. Brave by Sara Bareilles comes on. I turn it up, opening the window, and stick my hand out. I sing along, while moving my hand in the wind.

"Say what you wanna say

And let the words fall out

Honestly I wanna see you be brave

With what you want to say

And let the words fall out

Honestly I wanna see you be brave."

We arrive at Starbucks and I hop out of the car. I rush in, getting n the line, while looking at the menu. I order mum a vanilla roast, and dad a caramel mocha. I then order my caramel hot chocolate, not wanting caffeine and wait for grandma. When they call our drinks we grab them and head to the car. We then go to the hospital, signing in and all that stuff, before we head to the room.

When mum sees the Starbucks in our hands, she sighs of relief. "I've been wanting one of these since this morning!" she exclaims while taking a sip. It made me happy, to see her bright smile, just over coffee. Dad looked very grateful too, as I passed him his cup. I give grandma a chance to hold Abigail, before I go and have a sister cuddle. I already have a strong connection with my sister. I will protect her with my life. From my past, from bad people, from paparazzi, and from BOYS. I don't even want to think of my baby sister dating. Ugh, I guess that's how dad feels.

As I rock my precious sister in my lap, I can't help but let a tear fall from my eye. She reminded me so much of Claire, the innocence, the sweet smile, the fascination in her eyes, it was amazing. When mum asked if I was okay, I replied with- "Perfect. Everything is perfect." And only if I had known, in a few months, my world would be turned upside down.

AN: So my keyboard for my tablet broke, so I may not be writing as fast or as much. My dad will have to take it to some people. So yeah, I'm writing right now, so I will have at least one chapter, but it is difficult with the touch keyboard, not to mention I hate it, solo. Yeah. Sorry about that.

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