6th Message

44.1K 1.9K 167

| | 11: 46 p.m. | |

Hey...listen. I'm sorry how I acted towards you yesterday. I was in a bad mood, but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. It was very rude of me. And my mama raised me better than that. So...yeah. I hope you forgive me. Cuz if you do turn out to be a psychotic killer, I don't want you coming after me because I was rude towards you.

Wow, mia...that's the longest message i have gotten from you. You really must be sorry...

Yeah...I am. So...am I forgiven?

There's nothing to forgive. I wasn't even offended in any way. I understood that you needed space. Sometimes we all do.

tHEN WHY DIDN'T YOU TEXT ME TODAY??? I WAS SO DAMN WORRIED, YOU FUCKER!!! And since when were you Mr. Wise-Guy?

HAHAHAHAHA!!! I was busy today, thank you very much! And life does that to you.

Are you on drugs?

What makes you say that?

Cuz you're full of all this deep shit today.

You'll never know~

So a psychotic killer, and a druggie...wow, the list keeps getting better.

* * *

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