10th Call

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Jake Calling...

"I hate you, I love you..."


"I hate that I love you..."

"Are you seriously singing this song?"

"Yep! I set it as your ringtone. It's catchy."

"Should I be worried?"

"I don't know...should you?"

"Ho-kay...moving on from your weirdness. You ready for this weekend?"

"Yep! I already have Cece's gift all wrapped and ready! What did you get her?"

"I dunno yet. Was hoping you could help me find one when I get there Friday."

"Again? Seriously?"

"What can I say? I'm the master at procrastination."

"How the hell are you still in the Marines?"

"Once a Marine, always a Marine."

"I don't think you can use that phrase in this situation."

"Tomato, tomahto."

"Hey, don't say I didn't warn you when you get kicked out."


"This is no laughing matter. Stop."

"Stopping...anyways...think you could accomodate me for the week end?"

"My advisors have come to a unanimous decision of 'No' on that."


* * *

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