21st Message

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It has been two weeks.

Two weeks without hearing anything from Jake. Clare didn't think much of it at first. She was able to keep herself busy and not check her phone for a message every five minutes. However, soon she wasn't able to resist. When the first week came to an end, she sent him a text. It was a simple hello and she asked how he was doing. She knew there wouldn't be a reply, but she pressed on. For the next week, she kept on texting him. She told him about her day, how her professor was being unreasonable again, how Terry somehow managed to get a date with the star wrestler of their college, how her dad was still giving her a hard time with her chosen major.

She left him several voice-mails as well. She spoke until the time ran out, and tears were streaming down her face. She was confused the first time she found herself crying over Jake. There was no reason she should be crying. It wasn't like they were in a relationship. That was when she realized her feelings for him. She had tried so hard to ignore them, chalking it up to physical attraction, but upon doing more soul-searching Clare realized she had developed feelings for the guy way before she even saw him in person. She liked him. A lot.

And that was how she ended up wallowing in tears once again at the foot of her bed where Terry found her. Her roommate and best friend was quick to bring out their secret stash of Goldfish and ginger ale, then called the nearest pizzeria for two boxes of pepperoni. When it came, she popped in the first of the Lord of the Rings movie, let Clare lean her head against her shoulder, and they binge watch as much LOTR movies as they can way into the wee hours of the morning.

They skipped class the next day.

| | 2:12 p.m. | |


Is this...for real?

Come out to the parking lot.

* * *

Clare can't remember running out of her room so fast before. Hell, she didn't think she ran that fast even when she was late. But she guessed there's always a first time for everything.

* * *

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