2nd Meeting

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"You can stop pouting now, you know? You drank all your coffee already."

Clare rolled her eyes and huffed at the male walking next to her, turning her head to the side with exaggeration.

"Whatever. You totally cheated."

"How the heck did I cheat?" Jake questioned with a chuckle. "It's not my fault you weren't able to persuade the cashier as good as I did."

"Persuade? Ha!" Clare turned back to him, momentarily forgetting that she was trying to ignore the guy. "You flirted with the poor girl, and slipped your credit card into her hand while she was under your spell! That sir, was cheating."

Jake clutched at his chest in mock pain. The Bath & Body Works bag on his arm swishing with the movement. "You wound me, ice princess! That was hardly flirting. You can't even call it that!"

"Oh, yeah? Then how the hell do you flirt then?" She raised a quizzical brow at him.

Jake looked unimpressed by her taunting, stopping in his steps. Clare did the same, smirking at him in triumph. But it quickly fell and was replaced by a blush that climbed up her neck and settled on her face when his eyes darkened, and they slowly raked the length of her body before pausing at her lips. They stayed there for a few seconds, and when he finally met her eyes, he ran his tongue along with his lower lip, before giving it a sensuous bite.

Then, as if a switch has been flipped, he grinned in satisfaction as he said, "And that, Miss Clare, is how I flirt."

Clare's eyes widened in a mix of shock and disbelief. "Like a fuckboy? I'm out of here." She turned on her heel and started speed walking to the exit of the mall, with Jake hot on her heels, his guffaws chasing after her ears as he tried to call her back, but she refused to face him.

The affect his actions had on her was disturbing. She didn't like the way her heart had hammered against her chest, or how her stomach came alive with butterflies, or how her breathing shallowed. She didn't like it one bit.

Keep telling yourself that.

* * *

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