6th Meeting

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Clare cleared her thoat. "So..."

"Care to explain?" Terry's gaze went down to her hand currently held in Jake's.

They had migrated to the edge of her bed when Terry walked in on them having a full on make-out session. Her friend had just got back from the grocery store, and had dropped her shopping bags when she saw them, the sound making Clare pull back abruptly.

The eggs were beyond salvaging.


"Are you two going out?"

Clare opened her mouth to answer, but Jake beat her to it.

"No. Not yet, at least." He looked to her, then winked. "Don't look so surprised, princess. I am a gentleman after all."

Clare scoffed a laugh, shaking her head as she tried to stop the giddy smile threatening to split her face in half.

"You two are going to give me cavities." Terry grumbled, before walking off.

This only made her chuckle, as Jake checked the time on his wrist watch. "Hey, do you mind if I stay the night? I don't want to go over to mom's and have Celine see me like this."

"Oh great, now I have to sleep over at Sab's. Don't have too much fun!"

With a not-so-subtle wink to her, Terry was out of the room, Clare staring at the closed door of her dorm room with an open mouth. Turning back to Jake, she said, "Well...there's your answer."

He grinned. "I like her."

* * *

"Explain to me again why we're sharing a bed?"

The arms wrapped around her shoulders and chest tightened their hold on her, as the owner spoke, "Shhh, princess. I'm having 'not too much fun.' Plus...I'm pretty sure Terry wouldn't appreciate it if I slept in her bed, and the floor will just give me a back ache. So, cuddling in your bed it is!"

She huffed, but snuggled her back further into his chest despite being uncomfortably warm. She really didn't care at the moment. At the moment, she wanted to stay in Jake's arms, and Jake didn't seem to mind one bit.

* * *

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