7th Call

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Dialling Jake...

"Missing me already?"

"Hardly. You forgot one of your hoodies here."

"Which one?"

"The Marine one?"

"You're gonna have to be more specific, babe. I have about a dozen of those."

"Dark blue."

"Oh. That one. I thought I packed it."

"Well you didn't."

"Hang on to it for me until I come back, princess."

"When you come back, you're staying at a hotel or something. I don't think I can take another three days with you."


"Stop laughing. Did you know you kick in your sleep?"

"Yes. You have pointed that out to me over a hundred times now."

"I lost precious sleep because of you."

"You said that, too. But you lo-ove me still, right?"




"I'm turning the car around, right now!"

"I wonder how the Marines would take to you not coming back on time."

"Fuck the Marines."

"Hah! Say that to your CO's face."

"Fahck you!"

"You wish, don't'cha?"

"Oh, yeah."



"I-I'm here."

"Aww. Did I get you all hot and bothered?"

"Shut your piehole."

"Love you too, babe."

"I'm hanging up."

"Wait. Wait. Wait! I forgot to tell you. But the other day when we were getting ready to leave Mom's place, Ce pulled me aside and wanted me to ask you if you could come to her birth day party next month. She really likes you, princess."

"She's a really sweet, and cute girl. What's the date?"

"The eleventh."

"I'll make it."

"Awesome! She'll be over the moon when I tell her."

"Okay. Well, that was all I wanted to tell you, so..."

"Are you sure, princess?"


"Aand she hung up again...I really shouldn't be surprised anymore."

* * *

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