1st Meeting

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It had to be prank. It just had to be. There was no way Jake, the guy she had only ever talked to over the phone, who's a possible murderer-druggie was coming to her college to pick her up so they can go look for a present to give his foster mom.

Well, that was another thing to add to her list about him, though.

But that was beside the point.

Sitting on her bed she stared blankly into the rest of her shared dorm room. Usually, her mind was quick to work, comprehending things faster than others. However, it would seem her trusty brain was finally experiencing it's first brain fart.



Snapped out of her muddled thoughts, she looked up to find her roommate and best friend, Terry giving her an odd look.


"You have a weird face right now. Like when you're thinking about something really, really hard and you can't just seem to get the answer. So," Terry sat down next to her. "What's going on?"

"Well...there's this guy-"

"WHAT?! ANOTHER ONE? What happened to Trey?"

"Trey was a fluke and an abomination to all fandoms--did you just say I have a weird face when I think?"

"That is neither here, nor there. Continue. So who is this new guy?"

"His name's Jake, and well...I've never met him before. He accidentally texted me, and things just sorta went from there."

"Okay, so what's the problem?"

"Well, Jake is coming here to pick me up so I can help him look for a gift to give his step mom."

All hell broke loose then.

It took Clare approximately thirty-three minutes and four seconds to calm her room mate down. She was able to convince her that Jake wasn't some pervert (at least she hoped he wasn't) and that if he did turn out to be one, she could handle herself. There's a reason pepper spray was made. Begrudgingly, Terry gave her blessing, before going off to get to her study group, leaving Clare to her thoughts once again.

She had five hours.

It was going to be the longest five hours of her life.

| | 2:01 p.m. | |

Jake: I'm in your parking lot. Gray chevy. Traffic was a real pain in the ass!

Be right there.

This was such a bad idea.

Clare's thoughts were running a mile a second as she grabbed her messenger bag and slung it across her shoulder. Stepping out into the hall, she locked her room's door behind her before she started making her way out to the parking lot. A gust of cold winter wind met her as she exited the dorm building, and Clare was thankful she decided to wear double layers of clothing. Dressed in some jeans with leggings underneath, a Captain America hoodie covered with a winter jacket, she was prepared for the harsh weather.

Looking up from her boot clad feet, she looked around the parking lot for a gray Chevrolet, and instantly spotted it. It was the only on of its kind present in the parking lot, so she cautiously approached the vehicle. She slowed down when she was withing a few feet of it, craning her neck to see if there was anyone in the driver's seat, when the door opened, startling her.

Her already racing heart only accelerated when she saw the giant that stepped out of it. His skin had a nice tan, and his black hair was cut in the standard military way. His description of himself did him no justice. However, what really caught her attention were his eyes.

Sea-green, he called the color.

Then he smiled.


She swallowed. "Jake?"

Oh, she was screwed, wasn't she?

* * *

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