6th Call

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Jake Calling...


"You awake?"

"I am now...what time is it?...Four thirty?! Seriously, Jake?!"

"Heh, sorry princess. I was gonna text you, but I thought that would be...insensitive."


"What do you mean?"

"I received a call earlier...I'm being summoned back to base...they're sending us out."

"...what? W-Where?!"

"Can't say. I wasn't briefed yet. I'll know when I get back."

"Well...do you know for how long?"




"Okay...just...you owe me a hang-out session when you get back."

"10 4, captain."


"Please take care."

"If my princess wishes it."

"She wishes it..."

"Then I'll take care. I'll be back before you know it."

"I'll hold you to that."





"Later, Clare."

* * *

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