2nd Call

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Open-Geek Calling...

"You better have a good reason for calling me at one in the morning in the middle of my studies. What do you want?"





"I'm not drunks."

"I didn't say you were..."


"Please tell me you're not driving?"

"No...don't think I'm..."


"Mmmm, whyyy? Is my wittle Mia worried about me?"

"How drunk are you?"

"Pretty drunk."

"Chances of remembering this tomorrow?"

"Low as Pete's IQ."


"Oi, that hurt!"

"I'm assuming that was Pete?"

"Yeeeeaaa...Pete don't like it when we make fun of him...SAY HI TO MIA, PETE!"

"Hi. Sorry about your eardrums. Jake is a loud drunk if that wasn't obvious enough."

"Heh, it's all good. I have it on speaker."

"Smart girl."

"Hey now...I'm the only guy who can compliment Mia. Fuck off, Pete."

"You're messed up, dude."

"Only for you, babe."

"To answer your question...yes. I am worried about you.



"Who are you and what have you done to my Ice Queen?"

"...fuck you, Jake."

"...how do you know my name?"


"Did you hang up on me again?"


* * *

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