4th Call

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Jake Calling...


"Is this Mia?"


"Who is asking?"

"My name's Cece. Jakey's my big brother. Are you his girlfriend?"


"Are you okay? Are you sick?"

"Y-Yeah...I'm fine. Cece you said is your name?"

"Yup! It's my nickname. Jakey gave it to me!"

"Well that's...sweet, I guess. What made you say I'm his girlfriend?"

"Well, he wouldn't stop talking about you since he came home. He told Momma you're an amazing lady. Are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Are you an amazing lady?"

"I-I don't know...that's not something I could tell."


"What do you think, Cece?"

"I think you're pretty nice. You haven't yelled at me yet like Jakey's other girlfriends. They didn't like me."

"They yelled at you? How could they?! They should be sent to prison for doing such a thing!"

"...I like you, Mia! You make me laugh!"

"I'm glad."


"Clare? Shit. Ce, what did you do? Sorry, give me a second."


"Hey! Uh, sorry about that. I let her play a game on my phone. I didn't know she knew how to call yet..."

"It's all good. She was very...cute."

"Yeah. She is. That kid could get away with murder if she wanted to. But seeing as she can't even hurt a fly, I don't have to worry about prison visits...and I'm rambling..."


"So...how did your mom like the bath set?"

"Loved it! But then again, she would've loved it all the same if it was a bag of dirt."



"So...you wouldn't stop talking about me, huh?"


"You...were not supposed to know that."

"And I'm an amazing lady?"

"That, too..."

"Alright, alright. I'll stop teasing you. Only because I feel like being a decent human being."

"I feel like I should give you a reward for that."

"You most definitely should."

"Hmm...how does a date with me sound?"



* * *

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