10th Message

39.6K 1.7K 248

| | 9:02 a.m. | |

That call last night? Never happened. You hear me? If you ever mention it, I will find you, and I will kill you. After I reach down your throat and pull your balls out, capiche?

Mr. Knows-too-Much:
What call?? The only call I received last night was from this crazy chick crying her eyes out.

I can make your death look like an accident.

Mr. Knows-too-Much:
Haha!! Chill, princess. Your secret's safe with me.

...I just realized something...

Mr. Knows-too-Much:
And what is that?

You're pretty geeky.

Mr. Knows-too-Much:
Changing the subject...i'll bite. You caught me. Not gonna deny. But...you do know it takes one to know one, right?

No denying happening on my part.

Mr. Knows-too-Much:
Alright. Then...are you a pie? Love me some pie.

Good bye.

Mr. Knows-too-Much:
I know you're fangirling.

* * *

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