5th Meeting

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"So...nice place."

Looking up from the mini fridge she had been rummaging through, Clare raised a brow at Jake. He was sitting on one of the bean bags in front of the small television in the dorm, legs spread out and back bent over the edge of the bean bag as his head hanged upside-down. He looked at total ease. Usually, people who had just met with her dad didn't act like that. They feel intimidated.

But not Jake.

She figured it was because he was a marine.

Clare then looked around her shared dorm room. It was a mess. The beds weren't made, there were dishes in the sink that needed to be washed, the hamper were overflowing with clothes. She was thankful there were no underwear in sight.

"It's seen better days." Finding what she was looking for, Clare grabbed the tupperware of left over Chinese food, and two cans of Red Bull, mentally noting to buy more of the energy drink. They were running low. And with the tests that are coming up, she knew she was gonna need them.

She made quick work of transferring the food unto some paper plates, then placed it in the microwave to heat. After setting the time and pushing start, she made her way over to Jake, Red Bulls in hand, before handing one to him, and bringing the other bean bag closer to his before flopping down unto it. She copied Jake's position, setting her Red Bull down to the side, and let out a groan as she closed her eyes.

"Today...is not how I imagined it to be."

Jake chuckled.

A comfortable silence fell on them like a soft blanket, then she heard Jake shuffle in his seat before she felt a tug on her leg. She lifted her head just in time to see Jake lean over towards her. The next thing she knew, she was being lifted from her bean bag, and was straddling Jake's lap.

Reclining back with a smug grin, he settled his hands on her waist as Clare blushed. Her hands were on his chest and she could feel the steady pulse of his heart under her palms. It somehow calmed her down, and before she could stop herself, she was leaning down and laying her head just below his chin where she could clearly listen to his heartbeat.

He was...alive.

Banged up, but alive.

"On a scale of one to a hundred, how worried were you about me?"

Clare's first instinct was to shoot back a snarky reply, however, she still felt pretty brave after her encounter with her dad. So, instead of running, she looked up into his eyes that were already watching her, and answered, "A hundred and ten."

He didn't say anything in return, and he didn't have to. Suddenly, there was only a breath's worth of space between there lips, and just as Jake brushed his own over hers, the microwave went off, signalling the end of it's timer.

Clare jerked back, eyes wide, and heart pounding in her ears. Jake was watching her with the same expression, and she started to scramble off his lap when his hand shot out to catch her arm. She froze, and then he was yanking her down and his lips were pressed firmly against hers.

Clare didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

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Two updates in one day...y'all must be lucky!! I'm on a roll today!! And no...not the bread. (Rora_chan14)

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