3rd Call

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Dialing Jake...


"Are you running or something?"

"Had to run to get to my phone in time. Have you been trying to call me for the past half hour? And where are you? It sounds...rowdy."

"Yes. Yes, I have. And I am at the amusement park. Waiting for my date to get tickets for the roller coaster."

"And you felt the need to call me...because?"

"I am absolutely terrified of roller coasters, and I want to go home."

"So I take it the date is not to your liking?"

"No. No, it's not. The moment he started spouting nonsense about how Captain America: Civil War was nonsense, I came to the conclusion that he is Hydra because he said he is neither Team Cap, nor Team Iron Man."

"Blasphemy! Get rid of him, Clare! Leave the body to me."

"I would, but two more would take his place."

"True that...well...oh oh oh! I have a plan!"

"What is it?"

"Do you have an escape route?"

"We took my car to get here."

"Good. When he gets back, put me on speaker for him, and at my signal, you make a run for your car."

"What about Trey?"

"What about him?

"Should I just leave him here?"

"Hell yeah. Unless you wanna spend the rest of the ride back to your dorm with a Hydra Agent."

"Point taken. Oh, he's coming back!"

"Quick, pretend to be in shock, and if he asks you what's wrong, put me on speaker."



"Let me put him on speaker..."

"Oi! Dios ko!(1) Let the poor girl go! Her long lost, half-Filipino brother had just been caught trying to get out of prison and is fighting for his life! Ay, susmaryosep! Ang kawa'ng bata! Ano'ng gagawin natin sayo, mija? Manalangin tayo kay Santo Niño ng todo dahil dito!(2)"


"Aaah. Ano'ng sasabihin ng mga magulang mo sa'kin?(3)"

"It worked! Oh my god! What was that? That was genius!"

"Why thank you, thank you! And that was Tagalog. Well...as much Tagalog as I can remember. But he didn't understand, so that's what matters."

"Do you know how hard it was to stop myself from laughing?! His facial expressions were hilarious! Aah...thank you for that, Jake. I owe you one."

"Oooh, I have the ice queen in my pocket! Whatever would I do with my favor?"

"Don't push your luck, bub."

"Wouldn't dream of it, princess."

"So where did you learn Tagalog?"

"First, you butchered that. Second, you're driving, so that's a story for another time."


"Live long and prosper."

"Did you hang up on me?"

"Huh...payback really is a bitch."

* * *

A little A/N right here. It's been forever since I wrote in Tagalog, so to any fellow pinoys out there, I am so sorry if my spelling totally butchered our amazing language!! Let me know the correct spellings in the comment if you know~

Thank you!!!


P.S. fish_1 WardaAbid7 SaraxinxWonderland Here is the translation:

(1) Oh! My god!
(2) Ah, Jesus, Mary and Joseph! The poor girl. What are we going to do with you? We'll have to pray extra hard to baby Jesus because of this!
(3) Aaah. What are your parents going to think of me?

Sorry for the wait~

* * *

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