1st of Many More

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"Honey, I'm home!"

Jake grinned when he hears his girlfriend shout from somewhere in her apartment. "Last time I checked I'm the one paying for this place!"

As he placed the take out bags from Taco Bell on the counter of Clare's little kitchen, she came out of her bedroom wearing a form fitting, knee-length, royal blue halter top dress. He let out a low whistle of appreciation as she gave him a little spin. Half of her back was bare and so were her feet. She told him a few days ago that she bought some heels to go with the dress.

"No bra?" He raised a brow.

Clare rolled her eyes. "It's built in."

"Oh. I got you tacos like you asked."

"Thank god, I'm starving!"

As they dug in, Jake asked, "You ready for this afternoon?"

"Yep! Terry and Rose should be here in an hour or so to help with my makeup and hair. You're wearing your uniform, right?"

"Do I have to?" Jake grimaced.

"Yes, you do!" Clare grinned mischievously. "I want everyone to see how hot my boyfriend is in uniform."

"So you basically want me to be your arm candy? Is that all I am to you, woman?!" He gave a small scoff, almost breaking character when Clare started giggling under her breath. "I feel objectified."

"Puh-lease. Dean Winchester's hotter than you. I'd leave you for him in an instant."


There was a brief pause in the conversation, before they both erupted into laughter. Jake can't help the sappy smile he wore as he watched Clare wipe at the corner of her eyes with a huge smile of her own. "You ready to graduate?"

"Hell yeah!" She answered enthusiastically. Jake knew the past four years haven't been easy, and he didn't envy her for going to college. But he was proud of her. Only a few hours away and she would be offically college free, ready to take on the world.

His mind went to the graduation gift he got her, and couldn't help but grin just a little. Clare caught him, and immediately looked suspicious. "What's with that creepy grin on your face? You're plotting something..."

"I'm thinking of how we'll take over the world after this."

Clare rolled her eyes, but went along. "I still haven't agreed to that."

"You will." He shrugged.

Just then, there was a knock on the apartment door, and Jake got up to open it. Rose and Terry stood there with wide grins on their faces. Like Clare, Rose was also graduating, getting her bachelor's in business. Clare met the fiery redhead on campus through something that he can't remember, but apparently they "clicked," and when Rose was introduced to Terry the three were inseparable even though Terry lived five hours away.

The next thing Jake knew, he was being ushered out of his girlfriend's apartment, and was told to get ready. He didn't protest as he made his way back to his car and drove back to base.


"Remind me why I have to wear my uniform again?"

Lounging on the top bed of the double bunker in his shared room, his roommate and best friend Tyler chuckled, flipping another page of the gun magazine he was browsing through. "Because you're whipped."

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