1st Call

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Dialing Mr. Wise-Guy...



"Ah shit. Please tell me you just caught a cold and not crying?"


"Fuck! I'm sorry, Mia. Hey, hey, hey, shhh, it's all good. What happened? Can you tell me what happened? Fuck. You're fine, right? None of my buddies kidnapped you, did they?"

"Sh-Shut up..."

"Heh...this time that actually works...shit, Mia. Almost gave me a heart attack."

"I'm s-sorry."

"Now, now. Don't go all sappy on me."





"I'm sorry. This is probably the last thing you n-need. I-I'll just g-go now."

"Nononono. It's alright. I'm glad you called...what happened, Mia?"

"Heh, heh...Mia...that n-name is growing on me, you know?"


"It's stupid...really...I don't even know why I still let it affect me. Seriously. This has been going on for so long you'd think I'll be used to it. That I can never make him proud. That he'll never approve of me. That no matter what I do, I can never make him happy. I'm just so angry at myself for letting his words affect me the way they do."



"Well, no offense, princess, but your dad sound like a shitty bastard."

"Heh, that's one way to call him."

"Why, what do you call him?"

"Son of a bitch."

"And you say I'm not original."

"Eh, I wasn't as creative back then as I am now, and it just kinda' stuck."







"So...now that we confirmed each other's gender, do I get a name?"


"...did you just hang up on me?"


"Of course..."

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