13th Call

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Unknown Number Calling...




"The one and only! Well, in your life at least. Unless you do know another guy named Jake, then this is just embarrassing."

"Oh my god! I-I...wow! How are you?"

"Doing great! No injuries so far. If everything goes over smoothly here, we'll be home next week!"

"For real?"


"Heh. Well...it's good to hear your voice, Jake."

"Ditto, princess. I miss you."

"I know you do."

"Wow! When did you get so cocky?"

"When I started dating this guy...what was his name again?"

"Har, har. You think you're funny."

"I think I'm fucking hilarious."

"I can tell. How many friends do you have again?"

"You cut me deep, Jake. Real deep."



"So, how have you been?"

"In the past few days that we've been out of contact?"


"Meh. Same old, same old. I'm good, my grades are good, and I'm excited for the end of this term. Summer is right around the corner, baby!"

"What are your summer plans?"

"I don't know yet. Dad did say something about a family cruise though. Not sure."

"Well, keep a few days open for me, will ya? I plan on taking you somewhere."

"Oh god...you're finally going to kill me, aren't you?!"


"Sorry, sorry! Couldn't resist. Where do you have in mind?"

"It's a surprise."

"I hate surprises. What if I hate it?"

"You won't...at least I'm pretty confident you won't. We'll just have to see then, yeah?"


"Don't you groan at me, young lady. You're gonna love it! I swear!"


"Wow. Don't pop a vein getting too excited."

"Sorry. Let me try that again. Alright! Better?"

"Much. Anyways, I got to go, babe. My time's up. See you when I get back."

"Okay. Take care."


* * *

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