7 (First Update)

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Phylicity climbed ontop of me, and kissed me on the lips before rubbing my face.

I flinched, before sighing deeply. "Look who came crawling back to me"

Her hand slid into my pants, and she started to stoke my barely hard dick.

She kissed from my lips to my collar bone.


I flipped Genesis off of me, and she hit the floor.

"The fuck is wrong with you?"

"Brandon's so boring. I miss us"

"That's why you was looking at Phyl like that, yeah?" I wiped my mouth.

I had a whole fuckin' girlfriend.

"We've known eachother for so long, Bryson"

I thought I knew her, but I obviously didn't.

The little con artist.

Genesis the scammer.

I looked down at my hard dick, and scowled before getting up and going to the bathroom.


Yeah, so my babymama was acting up, and she jacked me off this morning.

I ain't even know how to tell Phyl something like that.

"Bryson, you're not coming inside?"

"Inside where?" I questioned.

"My house"

I looked up, and sure enough, we were parked.

I hesitantly slid out of my seat, and followed her up to the porch.

Some girl opened the door, and she looked stunned to see me.

"Bruce Tiller" She mumbled.

I sucked my teeth, and Phyl pulled me on.

"That's my sister, Jasmine. Jasmine, Bryson. Bryson, Jasmine"

"Phylicity, you been fuckin'?" She asked.

She ain't even see my dick yet. She just felt it.

"Bye Jasmine"

I sat down on her bed, and cleared my throat.

"Your sister's a character, yeah?"

"Something like that" She grabbed some clothes, and went to go take a shower.

After that, the car took us to school.

This school was raggedy, and nobody gave a fuck. Some teachers ain't bother to teach.

Others didn't even bother to show up.

Like it ain't their fuckin' job.

"You've been distant all morning"

"Who, me?"

"Nobody, Bryson, Nobody"

"I'm good, boo" I gave her a half smirk.

A ceiling tile dropped to the floor infront of me, and a cloud of ceiling residue floated upwards.

That shit could've knocked me the fuck out. What is God doing?

"This school is bullshit" I watched a rat jump into a locker, and some kid laughed before closing it.

Phyl tightened her grip on my hand.

"Goodmorning, Mr. Sir, hello, Phylicity"

I dropped a twenty on her desk.

She was the reason why I could bring Mya to school, cause that shit was outrageous.

She told the front office that our family couldn't find a reliable babysitter and some other shit.

I sat Phyl down on my desk. "Boo"

My lips connected with the back of her hands, before I sat the both of them down on her thighs.


"We've been going out for a luh' minute, yeah?"

She frowned. "What are you getting at?"

"You know Genesis?"

"Not personally, but I know of her. I know who she is to you"

"She had overstepped some boundaries this morning"

"Boundaries?" Phyl frowned. "Like?"

"Don't put emphasis on it"

"Why are you telling me now? Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"I ain't want you near her when I told you. You getting mad already, yeah? I ain't even tell you what happened yet"

"But you live with her. Seems like you don't get any distance"

"Play house with me. We could live together too"

"Bryson. Off topic"

"She was rubbing on my dick, and she kissed me down to my collar bone"

"And you let her?"

"I thought Genesis was you paying me a surprise visit"

"Surprise, surprise" Phyl spat bitterly.

"I was sleep. I didn't know what the hell was going on"

"How'd she touch you?"

"Skin to skin"

"I could hit you right now"

Her face started to turn red, and she tried to get up, but I held her in place.

"I'm going to hit you, Bryson. Stop"

People turned to look at us.

I told her here, cause I had figured that she wouldn't make a scene.

Nigga logic.

My head tilted back. "Hit me then, boo"

She actually did smack me, and I buried my face into her chest afterwards.

I could feel my face bruising, and all that shit.

Phylicity tilted my head back, and kissed me.

"I'm sorry, baby"

"You wildin'."

"You told me to hit you when I was frustrated. Your fault"


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