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Some of y'all used to be so active. Now y'all just vote and move on



"I heard that them Tillers moved" Xander said to me.

"They didn't. He just doesn't show up to class"

"Not according to that big ass 'sold' sign in front of their house. Must have been a quick transaction"

So he broke up with me, and now he's gone.

There was now absolutely no hope that we were getting back together.

The word spread around school fast, so I didn't even have to tell Heather, Cydney, or Winifred.

Arthur sat down beside me. "Hey, Phylicity"

"Bye, Arthur. She's not in the mood" D.W. stated.

"Phylicity can speak for herself" He fixed his glasses.

D.W. got in his face, and they had a stare down.

"Alright then" He got up, and left

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"Alright then" He got up, and left.

Arthur was too nice for me. He was also Eris's friend.


"Daddy, you goed to a new school before me" Mya stood on my bed.

"You not going to school. You stay at home and you wait for me"

"I make friends at school inna year, daddy"

"No you don't. I'm your friend. I'll be the only one that'll be there forever" I said.

"Daddy, you die eventually"

I put my shoes on. "You just waiting, huh?"

"I not sayed that" She stuck her fingers in her mouth and sat down.

"You wait here til I get home"

"I get hungry, daddy"


"Eating is mored imported than us. I go whenever I hungry"

"So you out when ya stomach get to rumbling?" I asked.

"You make food appear in my stomach?"

"Do you got 'make food appear in my stomach' money?"

"Uh huh. Put it on my Nana's tab, please and thank you"

"Shit, that's my tab too"


Cleo sat down beside me. "Liking the school so far?"

I drunk my soda and shrugged. "Yeah, it's cool"

"Hey, Bryson" Eris sat down.

"Wassup?" I shook the ice up in my drink.

She had aborted Brandon's baby, and had conveniently transferred to my school.

I ain't approve of that abortion shit, but it was her decision.

Not everybody was gonna love being a parent like I did.

"You staying after?" Cleo asked.

Sometimes, they would just stay after school, and chill.

Maybe walk to the store or some shit, it was whatever.

I already liked this school, cause my family wasn't the only one that had money.

My teachers hated me like I was a regular nigga was supposed to be.

"So you payin' lil bruh? I reckon it's your turn" Demarcus rubbed the top of my head.

"I reckon a fucks no" I laughed. "Y'all niggas get allowances like I do"

Shit, even Eris had some money.

I wouldn't have ever guessed it.

But her grandfather needed some kinda transplant, and that was more money than she could dish out.

Brandon dumbass dished her the money, and she decided that being with Brandon wasn't exactly the best way to get back at me.

She was also bipolar.

Her father was a construction worker, working under my dad, and he got the hook up on a high rise.

"I want some fuckin' Wendy's yo" Cleo put her hair up in a ponytail.

"You ready to fight me for some Wendys?"

"Boy, I'll pay for you, your daughter, and your mama cause I'm feeling generous. With my own dough too, not my parents"

"Baby baller. Sit'cho ass down" Demarcus threw his fry at her.

They were like fourth cousins or some shit.

This school had guards that stood around the school, and even a block down the street to make sure that nobody skipped.

When you got caught skipping, cause ain't no ifs, they personally follow you to class.

And if you didn't finish your work, then you had to stay after, and catch the late bus home, because nothing below excellence was excepted.

I had no choice but to do great, and I was gonna do it for Mya.


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