11 (Fifth Update)

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Mannn if we start talking, don't ask me what I look like💀. I'm ugly, and revealing my face is 3 stressful. I don't wanna hear anyyy bullshit from Treasure, Ronae, Calynnna, or Tia either.

Also, yall be telling me how yall like the book and shit, and I be like ummm



Bryson had refused to touch me for the past two weeks.

He didn't hold my hand or nothin'.

And right now, I craved his touch.

I could feel my want for him in my stomach.

But I wanted to feel something else in my stomach.

He slept on the bleachers two rows away from me.

His specific order was for me not to touch him.

"Phylicity is whipped" The three of them nodded their heads in agreement.

I whined, and laid back on the bleachers. "I hate him so bad"

I heard Bryson laugh. "Come over today, yeah?"

"No. You're just going to tease me the whole time"


"Because I want you to rub on my pussy, but you're playing, Bryson. I really can't take it"

"Damn, is it tea time?" Heather, Winnie, and Cydney leaned forward.

"You can have a kiss" He offered.

"I don't want a stupid kiss" I got up to kiss him anyways.

He brushed his lips against mine. "There you go"

I smacked him in the face, and grabbed my backpack before walking down the bleachers.

"Get'cho fat fuckin' ass back here, and sit down on my mothafuckin' lap before I get up"

Yes, daddy.

I dropped my bag wherever, and went to claim my spot.

He was breathing hard, and I didn't know whether to be concerned or not.

"You know that shit turn me on"

I played with my hands. "You wouldn't touch me"

He shoved his hand down my pants, and I moaned in surprise.

"I'm gonna fuck the shit outta you. I didn't touch you cause I'm gonna fuckin' fuck the shit outta you"

I slowly removed myself from off of him, and he shoved his fingers into his mouth.

Bryson got his backpack, and stood to leave.

"Don't let me catch you alone, Phylicity. The next time that I catch you alone, I'm dicking you the fuck down"

"Come back" I whined.

He went into the school building, and I started pouting again.

"The freakiness, sis. Goddamn"

"I can't wait anymore. He does this thing that turns me on"

"What thing?"

"He exists"


Bryson turned me around, and threw his tongue down my throat.

He gripped my thighs, and pulled me off of the floor.

I cupped his face, but he shook me off. "Don't touch me" He trailed down my face, and kissed my neck.

He was being aggressive, and was breathing hard against my neck.

My back pressed against the lockers.

"We're in a hallway full of-"

"I don't give a fuck. Your pussy is fuckin' mine" He growled into my ear.

"Excuse me?"

Bryson sat me down, and turned to Mr. Tiller.

"Go to work"

"I think you were the one who was about to 'get to work'." Bruce leaned against the lockers.

"I'm horny as fuck, and I holding off any longer is a no. I got condoms, and Phylicity is finna take this dick"

My mouth dropped.

Bryson walked away, leaving me with his dad.

"Um. . ." I trailed off before quickly exiting and getting the hell away from him.


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