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"I'm sorry that I had to drug you, Bryson" Genesis apologized.

"You straiiiiight like a circle" I nodded my head.

"A circle curves"

"Not when you put in-put it in a line. Don't argue with me"

"Daddy, you sick?" Mya asked from the backseat.

"Nah. You sick?"

"Nooo" She giggled.

I leaned forward towards Genesis. "Gimme a kiss, boo."

"I'm driving"

I grabbed hold of the steering wheel and yanked it towards me, so that we swerved off the road.

"We been together since the sixth grade, and you dont wanna give me a kiss?"

Genesis cupped my face, and kissed me repeatedly, making me smile.

I leaned back in my seat. "My head swimmin'. Tell that nigga Brandon to open the door. I know- I know damn well we past that lil curfew mama gave us"

"I think I gave you too much" Genesis stated.


"You're thinking in the past"

She looked a little worried, but I shrugged it off. "I'm thinkin' for now"

A few minutes later, we were at a hotel, in an elevator.

"S- streme sleepover" Mya giggled.

I kissed Genesis all over her neck. "Our family perfect. Thank you for blessing me"

She wasn't talking much, and I didn't get that.

My eyes and head were hurting, so I ain't think about it too hard.

"You wanna get married, yeah? And have more kids?"

She nodded her head, and I kissed her again.

"I deadass can't imagine myself with anybody else, boo"

"I'm sorry" She whispered.

I paused to think. "It's Brandon?"

She nodded her head. "It was"

I could feel my body going numb. "I was just-I was telling you how happy I was"

She wiped away some tears that had rolled down my cheeks.

What the hell was happening?

My headache got worse, and I just went to go lay down with Mya.

"I'm sorry for us"

We had a daughter together though.

I thought we would last.


"Why are you acting like this, Bryson?"

He refused to look at me. "Phyl"

"You stayed out all night with Genesis and Mya. Is she why?"

"Kinda, but not really"

"So you just want us to end on a bad note like this? Because I'm trying really hard to understand, but I don't"

My heart started to ache.

"It just ain't workin' no more, boo"

"We've been disagreeing, but I know we can work it out. Bryson, I'm sorry. I'll stop trying to control you, and I'll let you do what you want. I just want the best for you"

"It ain't fair to you. You want the best, yeah? It ain't me"

"Well I want you"

"Bye Phyl"

"That's a waste of a tattoo" I spat.

I just wanted him to talk to me.

"Maybe I just like my states" He walked off.


"They said we can stay as long as we can until we find a place" Jasmine flicked through the channels.

"We're moving back?" I questioned.

"Hellllll no" She shook her head.

"Then where?"

"I don't know, but we'll be struggling for a little bit. Our funds finna be doing the limbo"

"I can get a job" I offered.

It wasnt fair that Jasmine worked her ass off to provide for the both of us.

"No, just get your grades up. All that damn skipping you been doing, work on yourself"

"I'm going to - uh sleep." I mumbled.

Jasmine didn't talk about it, and I didn't want her to.

"I'll check on you later, baby sister"

"Thanks, Jas"


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